
Sunday, May 16, 2010

on my way..

Thursday morning 10:45 am, I decided to ignore all responsibility and jump on a plane to Portland. I had to leave the house by 11:15, have my kids squared away and my bag packed. It was a crazy morning.

The end result, a perfect evening with friends and family. Just what I've been needing. I flew home a short 18 hours after landing.

Today I am sitting in the Las Vegas airport. I am waiting for my mom who is flying in from Portland. Once she arrives we will get on a shuttle and make our way to St. George, Utah.

I'd love to hear what crazy sporadic things you've been up to..

*posting may be spotty depending on conditions once we arrive. I'm hoping to be able to blog, it should be an amazing and life changing week.

Where are my mom and I heading? I guess you'll have to wait and see :)


  1. I am in love! Hope you have a great trip in St. George. I hope you post all about it...

  2. I LOVE spontaneous adventures!!! I need to "plan" one soon... ;)

    P.S. I've always wanted to go to Portland.
