
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm here.

After a very very long day of travel, my mom and I arrived here. I didn't know if I was going to blog about it, but there is no way I can't, it is just way too amazing.

Yesterday we started the day with a 6:30 am hike, do you know how many calories I burned 1267. You did read that right. Holy amazing!!

We had a breakfast of 267 calories, followed by a lecture on emotional eating. We then went to the most killer swim class I have ever been too.

We had a small break and then lunch. They served a massive bowl of delicious chili and some cornbread. No one could eat the whole thing. Total calories 417.

After lunch another lecture on budget as in calorie budget, not money.

Then three hours of grueling workouts. We started with circuit training, then step and puke.. I mean pump, and finally finished with total body hydration, meaning in the deep end the entire time.

Do you know who was in my class with me? One of the winners from the real Biggest Loser. He is HILARIOUS!!

Dinner was purple potatoes, asparagus and chicken, with grilled pineapple for dessert, total calories 383.

Final Calorie count for the day 1125 (with two pieces of fruit on the hike), final calories burned for the day nearly 4000.

We fell into bed exhausted and if you can believe it, I am incredibly excited to do it all over again today. This may be the "funnest" trip I've ever been on.

See you tomorrow with an amazing baby shower and hopefully an update.


  1. yay britt! i hope you are loving it. it sounds very intense. i'm glad your mom is with you.

  2. I love that you are blogging about this!

  3. Wow Brit! What an awesome experience. I'm proud of you!

  4. cool! you're just down the road from me...isn't it breathtaking here?

  5. nice work...sounds incredible!! can't wait to hear more about it.

  6. I've so wanted to do this and still plan to. Maybe you'll want to do it again (once I'm done nursing :D)

  7. That seriously sounds so fun! How long are you staying?

  8. How very cool, I want to go!! I look forward to reading about your adventure. I don't think we can have enough detail :)

  9. Best of luck to you!!! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Good luck! Can't wait to hear all about it. Dreaming of the possibility that my hubby and I could go one day to kick start our healthy ways again. Too tired...too often...eating crappy and not exercising. Hmmmm....sounds like you have the solution.

  11. What a great experience. I 'm so happy you are getting this time that is all about you. You deserve it! Can't wait to hear more. Love you. <3

  12. That's great!!! I hope the rest of your trip is amazing!! can't wait to hear about it!
