
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turkey Bowl.

Probably my favorite tradition ever. The turkey bowl.. no not the men's morning football game, but actual bowling. We go every Thanksgiving, always with family.. and sometimes over the years we've had family friends and friends of friends come along. We don't ever miss, I can't have Thanksgiving without a pre-dinner game of bowling. Try it this year, you just may fall in love.


  1. how fun! i'm gonna suggest it this year! :-)

  2. that does sound fun. do you actually do it on thanksgiving day or the wednesday before?

  3. That's awesome...our family does the same thing. We have for as long as I can remember. Great tradition.

  4. So, where did you get that adorable shirt? I love it.

  5. Rachel,

    Her shirt is from the gap last year, but I have seen them at the gap outlet this year. If that doesn't work, sometimes I've had luck on ebay. Good Luck!

  6. Such a great picture. Such a great tradition.

    And...such a great shirt! :)

  7. Fun Fun!! This year my family and I went bowling on Black Friday! It was a crazy day because we woke up, went shopping (no..were not early shoppers, more like 9:30), came home, quick left, drove 20 minutes west to swim for a few hours, then drove 30 minutes East to go out to eat, and then right after eating, we went bowling. Now imagine that with 21 people, with 8 kids all under the age of 10! Believe, me, it was fun!!
