
Monday, November 23, 2009

gravy...pour it ON!!

I can't believe its nearly here!! Happy Thanksgiving to all--wow, I have a lot to be grateful for this year, and one thankful thing that comes to mind is my husband's A-MAZING gravy. Did you grow up like me thinking gravy was a powdered packet and you added water? Hardly the case...have you been afraid, intimidated and clueless on making your own? There is even a running joke in my family about 'gravaste' which was attempted by my sis several years back, she kept adding more and more flour to the gravy until it became a pasty nightmare, it was nearly as thick as the mashed potatoes and totally nasty.

Well T & T readers, fret no longer, this gravy is soooo yum and if you follow ALL of the instructions carefully, I promise you will have an incredible, savory gravy for your turkey day and you will never buy a mix again!!

Gravy a la Greg

Step 1…In Turkey Pan (minus the turkey, but WITH drippings)
• Drain Fat with large spoon
• Add 4 C Chicken stock to pan drippings
• Simmer for 10 minutes- put turkey pan OVER 2 burners on your stovetop. Scrape off pan drippings from bottom of pan and stir.
(while stock is simmering…move to step 2)

Step 2…Extra Seasonings (in separate pan)
Saute (until softened, onions become translucent, etc) in 4 T butter same seasonings as used in YOUR turkey (to compliment flavors)
For example:
• ½ C Carrots
• ½ C Celery
• ½ C Onion
• 1-2 Bay Leaves
• ½ t dried thyme
• 2-3 sprigs rosemary
• 2-3 sage leaves

Step 3…Add sautéed seasonings to simmering chicken stock in turkey pan. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 4…Pass seasoning/chicken stock/drippings mixture through sieve into bowl, push with spoon

Step 5…Roux in turkey pan with a whisk.
• 4 T butter
• ¼ C Flour

Step 6…Add seasoning/stock liquid back into pan with roux. Whisk and bring to a boil. Add additional stock or water to desired thickness.

We have made this gravy the last few years, the flavors are so full and rich. Don't be afraid, you can make delicious gravy...and forget the calories- its the holidays, so pour it on!! I hope you enjoy this as much as we do!

photo credit-

Sara G.


  1. oh boy, it sounds really good. i'm passing this on to the gravy chef at our house.. let's hope she gives it a try!

  2. ok- I am the sister, glad eveyone can learn from my mistake. However I do recall a certain Sara & Greg frantic in the kitchen with flour everywhere trying to get the rolls accomplished? The rolls however did turn out better then my gravaste, much better....

  3. you guys crack me up. one of these days i'm going to have to see greg and sara in action on Thanksgiving!

  4. wow, this sounds good. and i'm not even a big gravy fan.
