Embrace, a forward thinking company based in Vancouver, BC, has started to avoid problems and offers fantastic solutions. My favorite of their two seemingly cheeky but proven brilliant answers is A Fresh Pair: a gentle leaf soap infused with fresh pear undertones. Simply created for handwashing your delicates when traveling. Use it whenever you need a fresh pair.
Their logo is laugh-out-loud brilliant, but their concept is equally perfect. Think long-distance traveling, backpacking or loosing your luggage. Little proves worse than washing your undies {I refuse to compromise when it comes to clean delicates} with shampoo or hotel soap.
"A gentle (non-toxic, biodegradable), quick dissolving and easy-rinsing pear-scented leaf soap created for handwashing delicates, Embrace a Fresh Pair is perfect for those times when you can't get to a washing machine and laundry detergent, but need clean undies, bra or hosiery."The best part? Only $7.50 (CAD) for 20 soap leaves, packaged in a discreet matchbook-- airplane approved. Buy here.
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