
Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I'm always on the look-out for cute things to personalize Izzy's room (aren't we all?).

I thought these jars from Pottery Barn were a fun way to add color and personality to a kids room. So many things you could fill them with...


  1. Linds, I must admit I am a total lurker on this blog. I absolutely have loved your last two posts though! I think I am definitely going to get some of these jars...I just have to decide what I want to put in them. Any ideas?
    Also, I agree with the mom thing. I even find myself talking to dads at the park and totally identifying with them simply because we are parents of young children. It's great@

  2. Good idea, Linds. But, where do you put these? Do you have shelving? It would be really cute with differnt sizes/colors of bouncy balls or crayons or even balls of yarn (for decoration). Like I've said too many times, I'm so excited to decorate Cole's room...eventually.

  3. I think crayons would be good with coloring books nearby. Or for the older children some jacks. Do kids play with jacks anymore? Even some wooden blocks would be cute in there so they could take them out and stack. Or for the girly girl, some chapsticks, lip gloss and eye shadows or play make-up. For the all boy, some fake bugs mixed with bouncy balls.

    You could put them on the bottom shelf of a changing table (if you have one) and the crawling babies could get into it.

  4. Yes we have some shelving in Izzy's room. Sadly, there is no PBK here in London, but I'm sure there are similar products elsewhere (maybe Ikea?).

    Kase, I was thinking crayons, art supplies, etc. I also like Kelli's idea of bouncy balls and Missy's idea of chapsticks/lip gloss for Lex would be perfect! She is such a girly girl.

    Are there any small toys that your kids are always leaving around the house? Like if Kaden has small toy trucks or cars then I think that would cute too. Or fake bugs?

  5. great post lindsey. What about little matchbox cars or plastic animal figures? Addie and Ian love playing with these, and though they have a small basket for small toys, it's nice that there is a lid! Oh, another thought...Addie has a craft box with colored tongue depressers, pipecleaners, glue sticks, google eyes, and styrofoam stickers. any one of those would look great too! Izzy will be making things sooner than you know it!
