
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I've been busy...

Making this Halloween costume for one little lady and a hot pink flamingo for the other (pictures to come).
I bookmarked the owl last year and shockingly I remembered it this year. I just finished it tonight and can't wait to try it on her in the morning!

Training for this race, which is officially upon us and I am SO not ready. What was I thinking?
Wish me luck.

And finally our first of what I am sure will be many attempts at the family picture for our Christmas card.
Wouldn't it be nice if my little lady was smiling and the husband left his gray sweater on? I think so too.

On another note, I've got some great giveaways lined up for the next few weeks!


  1. I am so excited for you to do this race!
    Do your best!

  2. Cute Owl. I can't wait to see the flamingo!

  3. Good luck with your race. I ran a half marathon and it was great the crowd and the other runners pull you along.

  4. That is the most adorable costume!
    I just found your blog, it's lovely!

  5. umm, i'm IN LOVE with that owl costume. i think i might have to do that next year! best of luck in the race. you are brave for even registering!
