
Monday, September 27, 2010

volume 25.

Do you ever go through a slump? I feel like like lately I have been in a slump. Saturday night I listened to some very inspiring speakers and have been slowly trying to pull myself out. I think this poster would be the perfect reminder to be grateful every day for so many things.

I love old typewriters and I love yellow, so this also made my list.

The whole volume 25 etsy shop is a fun one. All kinds of great posters. I'm hoping to add one to my home in the near future.


  1. Hi there! I was just reading your about you section and I smiled when you mentioned the Rocky mountains. I lived in Highlands Ranch for 4 years before moving overseas. In fact just this weekend we had friends visiting us from Colorado.
    I miss seeing the white covered mountains. But I have traded it for the Sea so I guess I shouldn't complain. LOL

  2. I have been in a slump lately too! But for me I think it's just hormonal, lol! I like the posters you posted, they are very cute. :) Hope you get out of your downer soon!

