
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stella: Fairy Party.

Once upon a time
In the land of Fairies…

Lived a beautiful birthday fairy,
who was very determined to plan the perfect fairy party,
and plan she did.

All Stella wanted for her birthday was a fairy party. She was so excited about it, there was no talking her out of it. So we set the table in pink and purple (fairy colors according to Stella)

and prepared the chairs to take flight ,
(having the wings on the back of the chairs was Stella's idea.
I thought it was the perfect addition to the party decor!)

We prepared food fit for Fairies,

and made pink and chocolate cupcakes,

but the cupcakes needed purple too, so Stella chose butterflies to stick in the top of each cupcake.

The party girls earned each piece of their fairy set throughout the party. By the end they were equipped with a skirt, wings, head piece and wand.

We hunted for fairy houses and things to decorate our fairy houses with, we applied fairy shimmer and wrote fairy messages in sidewalk chalk. We had fairy dancing, colored wooden fairies, and played pin the fairy on the flower.

At the end they graduated from Fairy school and became "real" fairies.
Stella thought she planned the perfect party.
I did too.
(with a lot of help from grandma)

*I'm always looking for fun parties to feature and I'd love to feature one of yours. (


  1. Oh the dresses ... and the cupcakes ... and the hair! So incredibly dreamy.
    -Deb for Ouidad

  2. I would expect nothing less from the daughter(S) of the world's ultimate party planner. Looked fabulous Britt, nice work!

  3. You and Karen are both AMAZING and Stella is the most beautiful fairie ever!

  4. This looks like a fab Party, you went all out didnt you. Love the pictures.x

  5. Another perfect party. What a cute fairy you have!
