
Friday, March 19, 2010

shade swim.

I just caught my first glimpse of the Shade Swimwear. I really like this suit. Yay or Nay on the halter?


  1. cute! Having halters look good depends on your shoulders and shape...

  2. I too like halters but I don't like the pattern on this one. the diagonal lines seem as though they can slim you but for some reason they look as if they might make you look wider. I don't know you, but I would not want to look wider than I really am. For example, this model is stick thin. But she seems like she has more curves than she normally would have. If you are like the model than I say yes get it. But if you have a little more curve like me I would stay away. That is just my thoughts.

  3. I got one of their black halters a few years back and love it.

  4. I don't like this at all. I think it's extremely matronly. I've seen much more attractive, modest bathing suits out there. Just my opinion though!

  5. I like it. stripes, halter... the whole bit.

  6. I don't like the colors, it looks like a flag.

  7. Nay. Too boxy. And the colors do kind of look like a flag, come to think of it.

    That said, I think it *could* look stunning on the right person. Not for me though.

  8. I really don't like it, for the same reasons other people said (boxy, matronly, etc). Sorry!
