
Friday, February 12, 2010

valentine swap.

Last night I hosted my first Valentine Swap. It was really fun, and I hope it becomes an annual event.

I've been preparing the house for a few days. Wrapping pictures in pink and red. (Ryan thinks I'm crazy)

Pink Tulips,

the chalkboard door,

paper hearts sewn together and hung from the ceiling, pink and red lights under the tablecloths,

the worlds most incredible chocolate shipped from New Hampshire, complete with lots of things to dip,

and no get together would be complete without my favorite drinks.

The Valentine's were amazing! These girls went all out.

Earrings, bookmarks, felt garlands, cards, treats and more were exchanged, we discussed our most romantic moments, funny stories and more.

You should have one yourself!


  1. i'm super impressed! looks like fun :)

  2. this WAS the event of 2010...thanks for making it so memorable and that chocolate was simply incredible!!! I must order some for myself :)

  3. oh man, i want to come to your party too. it looks so awesome. love the decor, as always.

  4. Wow, that sounds amazing. It looks like it was a beautiful gathering.

  5. awww, that looked like fun! Everything looked great. Definitely going to remember that one for next year!

  6. I love this idea! I've been hosting a "secret santa" type valentine's exchange for the past 2 years, but I think I like your idea much better...

    i think we'll have to do this next year instead of our usual! :)
