
Tuesday, December 29, 2009


The husband surprised me with a new phone for Christmas. If you could have seen the state of my blackberry then you would know this replacement was a very welcome one. With my new phone in hand I am now in the market for some good apps. Tell me your favorites...


  1. The NPR app is one of my faves. The ATT app is also nice to track your minutes.

  2. We love phone flicks (if you use netflix).

  3. I just downloaded Where's Waldo. Its fun if you like games. My son loves Skee Ball. I will have to check out my dh he has one that you can scan a UPC code and it will tell you where the cheapest place to buy that product is. RedLaser is the name.

    are my dh favorites.

  4. Hooray for the iPhone. I LOVE mine.

    Some apps to consider:
    * GPS Drive MotionX
    * Facebook
    * Amazon Kindle
    * Flashlight
    * The Complete Works of Shakespeare


  5. Favorites:
    Bookmark on main page Google Reader, Calendar & Documents
    Dragon - for verbal texting & emailing
    urbanspoon, yelp, around me
    Rotten Tomatoes
    Sothwest Airlines app
    Dropbox (if you use a home mac computer)
    Period Tracker ;)
    Peggle (addictive game!)
    Blocked (another game)
    RedLaser as stated earlier.

    Have fun bonding with your new toy!

  6. You are going to LOVE your Iphone! I didn't even want one and now I can't live without it!

    If there are sites you like and they have apps, but they aren't free, check out their site first. Usually if they have an app their site is set for mobile browsing and it is usually better than the just bookmark it and add it as a button to your phone!

  7. Oh! One that is REALLY COOL if you have a lot of rewards cards like frequent flyers and discount cards is Card Star. You enter the numbers and it saves them all...and it even gives you a BAR CODE for stores to scan!

    Your wallet with thank you!!

  8. You'll love it - I got one for Christmas and it's awesome!
    Pandora is one of my favorites. Epicurious is good (I've actually cooked using it), ESPN Scorecenter for your fav sports teams, and "Classics" which lets you read lots of classic books like Pride & Prejudice. Also the Shotgun Free is really fun; you shake the phone to cock the gun, and then shake again to fire. Really funny.

  9. The app that I can't do without is called 'Things'. It has replaced my paper to do lists, something that I thought would never happen! And here's a list of other uses for my iPhone- i love it.

  10. I love Clef Notes, if you are interested in learning to read music it's great!

  11. Tilt Shift Generator (edits iPhone pics and makes them look amazing)

    Save Benjis (looks up a price when you are in the store and wonder if you could find it cheaper somewhere else)

    urbanspoon (when you just can't decide where to eat)

    jamie oliver's 20 minute meals

    shazam (identifies any song by listening to it, and gives you the option to buy in iTunes)

    Baby Monitor (great if you are going next door to the neighbor's house or in the back yard)

    Tip Calculator

    iTrans NYC (for your next trip to New York -- great subway map)

    For the kids:
    Peekaboo Barn
    Bubble Wrap

  12. Pandora
    Feather report- a wardrobe forecast for the day.

    i also like bubblewrap. my husband and I are always trying to beach each others high score.

  13. This is a great list. Wordpops and Ragdoll Blast are two of my favorite games for passing time.

  14. Word Warp and ClefNotes.
