
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gratitude Journal: Guest Post by Jenn Kirk

What I hope will be a yearly tradition for the month of November is creating a gratitude journal with my children.

At the beginning of the month, I told my oldest son Kai the story about the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving dinner. Each day after, I'd ask him for one thing he was grateful for. I thought it would be fun to record his responses in a book and even had him photograph the things he was grateful for. There were a lot of repeats (hence the book not being very long!) with 'toys' coming up often enough to make me question my parenting skills. But the result is a handmade gratitude journal filled with sweet pictures that Kai took himself. Sweet because I love seeing what inspires him.

As for food, what is now becoming a tradition in our family is to have a very non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Having grown up on rice and noodles, I've always looked forward to turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, but the novelty is completely lost on my husband. So instead of cooking a turkey, I will be roasting a chicken and making a goat cheese and bell pepper pizza -- requests from Kai and my husband. I'm usually a straight-to-dessert type of person, so my treat will be a flourless chocolate cake.

Hope you all get your feast on and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



  1. Awesome idea Jenn! I don't know how you keep coming up with these great ideas!

  2. jen, that book is beautiful! what a great idea.. and i love how you painted? the words. So clever. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Jenn, this is incredibly sweet. Thank you for the inspiration!

  4. Why did it take me so long to see your new header? Love it.

    And because I have to, just so you know- Knuckleheaders is my sister and she is so good.

  5. this is so cool! I like it a lot.
