
Monday, October 19, 2009

this week.

This week, I'll be blogging from Disneyland! I'm here in the hotel room, one baby sleeping, one baby on the way to slumber and one baby still at the park with her daddy, aunt and grandpa. We're having a blast and enjoying every minute of the happiest place on earth.

In honor of our week here at Disneyland, we've got some incredible giveaways coming your way.
Comment here telling me your favorite ride (*Disneyworld counts too) and why and earn yourself an extra entry in tomorrow's Tea Collection giveaway!!

Good Luck.


  1. I went to Disneyland pretty much every summer growing up. My favorite ride changed over the years, but one that stands out in my mind is Thunder Mountain. I have so many great memories on that ride!

  2. I've never been to disneyland, but I have been to disneyworld! My favorite is the tea cups..because I am a ginormous ride wimp and that is about as much as I can handle! hehe

  3. I love Splash Mountain, not just for the huge drop at the end, but because there is a surprise one in a pitch dark tunnel before that. So fun!

  4. Space Mountain! Because of the wonderful memories of riding it with my big sister when we were little girls and again when we were in our 20's and had just as much fun if not more!

  5. I've never been to Disneyland, but, growing up, I spent many enchanting hours at Disney World. Taking my four-year-old for the first time last Spring brought back many happy memories from my own childhood. Space Mountain always thrilled me as a kid... my cousins and I would stand waiting in line for that ride, excited by all the screams and noise of the ride above. My daughter, being too young for Space Mountain, fell in love with the Dumbo the Flying Elephant ride and the carousel.

  6. My favorite ride will always be Peter Pan ... b/c at 30+ years old I still feel the magic of flying over London and Neverland!

  7. Small World....gets me everytime! I love it.

  8. Thunder Mountain railroad is such a blast, but I really loved Dumbo last time with my two boys. They wanted to ride it over and over and over and I was happy to oblige.

  9. Being an east coaster, I've never been to DisneyLAND, but at Disney World I could ride the Aerosmith Rockin' Roller coaster over and over and over.

  10. I'm crazy about Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. You know how it seems so rickety and risky and I always think I'm going to whack my head on the dinosaur bones. Could be a tie with Space Mountain, where you can't really tell exactly where you are going or in what direction, but you really don't care because hey, it's Disneyland. And I second Catherine: the Rockin ROller Coaster totally rocks.

  11. It has been about 17 years since I was last at Disneyland, but Thunder Mountain railroad was always my fave.

  12. I've only been to Disneyland once, and it was with three little kids so we didn't ride many big rides. I had the most fun with my family on Pirates of the Caribbean.

  13. peter pan for sure. its always been one of my favorites.

  14. I have always love the haunted mansion!

  15. Pirates of the Caribbean - old school style!

  16. Its a Small World. Great on a hot day - line moves fast and it is cool inside. Good for young kids (nothing scary). Thanks,
    Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

  17. OK, so I haven't been in years, but my favorite ride I can remember would have to be Splash Mountain!! I loved getting wet, because it was always soooo HOT when we went.

    Hope you enjoy every minute!!!

  18. I haven't been since I was 9, but I loved the Haunted House. It makes me think of a road trip to Disneyland and learning how to swim there in the hotel pool!

  19. My kids and I love Small World. There is so much detail on the ride. Plus, I love the boat! Enjoy your trip!

  20. Splash Mountain - so cliche but it so fun when out of nowhere you drop down the falls.

  21. The Tower of Terror (at Epcott, i think??) was the BEST! I love rides that make my stomach drop...well, that was before I had kids. I might have lost my edge by now...:)

  22. The tea cups! I always loved picking out which one I wanted to ride and running for it when the gate opened.

  23. Tower of Terror and Splash Mountain. I'm green with envy, Disney is my favorite!

  24. Matterhorn because my son loves it so much!

  25. I like Space Mountain because it was so cool when it opened and seemed so space age... and now, not so much, but it's still a lot of fun in a kitschy way...

  26. Peter Pan... I love the illlusion of it all. Flying through the stars, looking down at Neverland. It is true magic. too bad it is everyone else's favorite ride, the line is always an hour long.

  27. 100% space mountain all the way. It's fast and accelerating and every time it ends you want to go back for another ride.


  28. We have never been :( But, my daughter and I really want to go. In fact, we put a postcard from Disney that we received from our friends when they were there, up on our fridge, to remind Daddy that we want to go :) Have fun!!

  29. I LOVE the Peter Pan ride! My favorite part is when you fly over London.

  30. Splash mountain!!!! It is classic and so fun if you hold your arms up the whole time!!!

  31. I haven't been to Disneyland since I was a little girl. But I remember I liked splash mountain. I wonder if that's still a ride??

  32. Love love love disneyland..Have fun!!!! My favorite ride has to be space mountain..

  33. I also love Thunder Mountain Railroad. Have a great week at Disney!

  34. hmmm... it's a tough choice. small world is a classic, and the whole family loves it.

    october is a great time for d-land. wishing you no-lines and happy kids!

  35. I'm a disneyland fanatic and my favorite ride is Pirates of the Carribean!! I just love it! I think second fave is Space Mountain and third is Matterhorn. ;)

  36. i live in florida, and if i recall correctly (as it has been many years since my last trip to disney) i always really liked the toy story ride where you get to shoot all the aliens!

  37. My favorite ride has always been the haunted house. The first time I went to Disneyland I was 8 and loved that the ghosts would sit in the seat with me, years and years later I still get excited when going on that ride!

  38. My favorite ride is Big Thunder Mountain - but only after dark! We're headed there in 3 weeks - I'm glad you're blogging about it this week!

  39. I love the Tower of Terror at Disney California. The atmosphere, and the story is all really well done.

  40. I love the hunted mansion.... I remember the first time on went on it and felt like I really was all grown up.

  41. My girls and I have a great time on the Toy Story ride, who knew we were such good shots?

  42. I'm going in 3 weeks with my boys for the first time with my kids. I went growing up every year and loved it.

    I haven't been there is years, but as a little girl I loved it's a small world.

  43. i can't choose my two favs are Peter Pan, it's just so magical and It's a Small World, b/c I remember riding it for the first time with my son and his sweaty little head resting on my arm and we were all so happy and content!

  44. Pirates of the Caribean was my favorite ride as a child and as an adult I found out my husband and his scout troop got kicked out of the park for getting off in the middle of the ride.

  45. I love autopia because my son laughs the whole time he is on it.

  46. oh shoot! It's been years, but I do love the mad tea party - the dizzier I could get, the better. Space mountain and I loved the movie "honey i shrunk the audience" I always wanted to be in the movie (honey i shrunk the kids) I thought it was the coolest!

  47. The teacups they are fun for everyone.....

  48. We just went to Disney World for the first time with my 3 year old daughter and we loved going on Dumbo.

  49. space mountain, hands down. glad you are having a great town - sounds like such fun!

  50. we have made it a new family tradition to go to disneyland every october. this year was our 4th trip out. we live in north carolina, so it is a pretty long haul to cali from here. i'm so glad that you and your family will get to enjoy their halloween time too! it is the best!

    my favorite ride is the haunted mansion holiday with all of the nightmare before christmas overlay! i just love it.

    p.s. in case you haven't yet, be sure to catch the nightly halloween themed fireworks show. it is AMAZING! <3

  51. I love soaring over CA but that is at CAlifornia park. My favorite Disneyland ride just for my is Indiana Jones, to share with my girls Buzz Lightyear

  52. I love Big Thunder Mountain railroad because it's a great roller coaster with no scary abominable snowmen!

  53. Definitely have to go with Pirate's of the Carribean and Peter Pan is a close 2nd.

  54. Pirates of the Caribbean. No doubt.

  55. Pirates of the Caribbean! I remember riding that ride over and over on my first couple trips to Disney! Fun fun!

  56. It's hard to know your favorite ride when you have never been to Disneyland!!! But hopefully in the next couple years, (when my kids are a little older) we will be able to tell you our favorite ride!!

  57. Pirates of the Caribbean, hands down, but only the Disneyland version. The one at WDW doesn't compare!

  58. I love the teacups!!
    zmama09 at yahoo dot com

  59. My favorite ride is Soarin' Over California. i love that flying feeling and the smells.

  60. I have never been to Disneyland - but I would love to go and ride ..... the tea cups! haha It is true - I don't know why but they look so fun.

    catherine g.~

  61. It's a small world. I LOVED singing along as we went through the ride. And of course, space mountain. Hmm... I think that's what it's called. It's been so long I think I'm in need of a trip!

  62. Going old school and saying Space Mountain.

  63. Last summer we loved the Toy Story ride because it is little kid and adult friendly! ~Holly Georgeson

  64. I've always loved the Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean. The musty smell inside each ride reminds me of the first time I ever rode those rides when I was a kid--a great sensory memory. I could ride those rides over and over again and be content.

  65. I LOVE Splash Mountain! Remember our dance team trip Brit?

  66. I'm a Florida girl, so my memories are of Disney World. I really liked the Winnie the Pooh ride when we went last year, but I miss Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
