
Friday, August 28, 2009

paul frank for target.

Have you seen the new Paul Frank for Target line? We have a few pieces in our back to school wardrobes. Do you like or pass?


  1. i'm all about cute, inexpensive clothes for kids. and my kids LOVE paul frank.

  2. Ella loves her pink monkey sweatshirt. I wasn't a fan of the t shirts for the girls though....

  3. Love it! I went to my local Target looking for a T-shirt for my son. They were out of his size, but I'll check again next time I'm there.

  4. I'm feeling kinda over paul frank...

  5. Oh I did not know they had that..My daughter Loves Paul Frank so I might have to go check that out... Good looking out :P

  6. Must say I love your blog! It's great inspiration! Keep up the good work. Best wishes from sweden

  7. i used to love, love, love paul frank almost a decade ago. i don't know, i guess i'm kind of all paul-franked out. i do like things like their eyeglasses and calculator watches though.

  8. i think it's great that target has this line now. i like pink ladies slippers, the toddler boys pirate shirt, and i bought one of the tiny yellow umbrellas for my son. but the girls items seemed a bit boring. maybe a bit too plain. my 12 year old daughter didn't want any of it. i hope they keep it, and add more designs to the line.

  9. When me and my hubby got married i bought us paul frank p.j's to wear on our honeymoon. i love him!

  10. Pass. Have you seen the Ana Sui line at Target?

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