
Sunday, August 2, 2009


whether or not to take the plunge.. they are so cute, will lay fresh eggs,

and most importantly..

the girls love them.

tips? advice?
and just because he's so cute. I think he'll like the chicks too.

The chicks pictured are spoken for, but there are more on the way, so I do have a few weeks to decide.


  1. Chickens are great. They are a fun "chore" for the kids to learn responsibility with. Be sure to get a coop and keep them in a sectioned-off area of your yard, "free-ranging" chickens will leave chicken poo all over the place. If that sort of thing doesn't bother you, then no worries!

  2. The poo gets all over and is stinky... sometimes they peck. But, if all those are to your liking... go for it.

  3. A good book is Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens. We've had chickens for a year now, and love getting fresh eggs.

  4. We love chickens, just to buy to many or you will have eggs for every meal.

  5. I grew up with chickens and I loved it. Each spring a giant cardboard box full of baby chicks would arrive. I was always fascinated by the delivery. Who knew live animals could be "shipped"? They were so cute and tiny, but a little stinky. It was fun to watch them grow and great to have fresh eggs. We also had so much fun picking out different varieties that would lay colorful eggs. This is where we ordered from Good luck!

  6. We took the plunge for Easter, and are in LOVE with our chickens! Our coop cost alot, but it looks like a custom made playhouse, and is incredibly cute and so easy to clean. Our chickens think we are their mothers, so they follow us around the yard eating bugs and weeds. They never peck and just play with us and give eggs, so perfect! Easier than cats, and even goldfish. Just a thought, see if you can get a guarantee that they are hens. If one turns out to be a rooster you can exchange it. Also, bringing in a chick to a group of older chickens can be tricky. I got alot of great info on line at Hope you enjoy them!

  7. I love chicks and chickens! If you get some, use the "buddy system" so each chick has a friend. So buy them in two's, but don't buy more than you can handle. You want the experience to be pleasant for both your family and the chicks. :)

  8. Cute chickies...and cuter kids! :)

  9. So...we had 8 chickens growing up. There are a lot of pros and cons. We stopped with the whole chicken thing because we started getting rats...and it's not like we were dirty...quite the opposite actually. I'm thinking living with Y mountain as your backyard had a lot to do with not being able to control the rats...anyway, not sure if I'd take the plunge. Plus I kinda hate that when we used to have chickens people thought we were weird and now everyone wants a coop because apparently now it's all of a sudden cool and trendy. That right there makes me personally NOT want to do it :)

    p.s. as always adorable pics of the kiddos.

  10. Don't know how your new landlord would feel about chickens???

  11. i totally want chickens. it isn't in our zoning, though, and since my husband is a city planner, he's not comfortable breaking the code. the city council almost changed the code recently, until a bunch of old people complained. i am so sad.

  12. I love the sweet little peeping noises baby chicks make!

  13. Now that we are in a new home with a huge yard having some chickens have been on my mind. We too are doing some research. Thanks for the tips Stephanie and Jessica. And thanks for this post
