
Monday, March 9, 2009

the big 2-9 wish list.

meringue designs happy birthday banner $40

Today is my Birthday! I can't believe I am only one year away from my 30's. That always seemed so old to me, until now... So in honor of the big day, I've put together a wish list, it's rare I spend money on just myself, or buy things for me, so here is my list of things, I've had my eye on, or love, or just want.


Plain and Simple Cake Stand in Bonnie Blue $72

Perennial Skirt $22

Latte Bowls $24 for set of six

Abigale Apron $40

Hermosa Beach Swimsuit $60

Peace Be Still Poster $24

Orange Coral Rose Earrings $5.25

Seychelles Silk Stockings $80

Okay so the list is a little long, but a girl can dream... right?


  1. everything in your wish list is beautiful ! my favorite is the cake stand ! Happy Birthday and have a great day !

  2. Thanks for sharing!
    I love it when people share etsy finds. I love etsy but find it overwhelming to find things that I love... and I love those earrings!
    Thanks again, and happy b-day.

  3. Happy Birthday! And so close to your new baby's. Happy!

  4. happy birthday! my 29th is next week...seems like everybody i know is having their 29th birthday...and in march. how interesting. love your list!

  5. Happy Birthday lady! Of course I adore all the things you post. Seychelles ....LOVE them!

  6. My 28th is next week.

    Happy Birthday to you! I hope you get all your wishes. :)

  7. britt- It's me... your husband. Can you please add to the post showing where these items can be found/purchased? Thanks & Happy Birthday- Ryan

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hang on to those 20's, it is all down hill after that :) ha ha

  9. Happy Birthday!! You're still young and beautiful! Sad for me, I'll be 32 this year ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Have a fabulous day!

  10. happy birthday!! i love your wish list...i think you should get everything you wish for...after all it's your birthday! ;)

  11. Happy Birthday! I especially love those earrings you picked out. And that apron is darling. Hope you get some of those goodies!

  12. what a great list! Enjoy your last year of 20s!

  13. I love, love those latte bowls. We have two sets & I adore them.

    I also have those earrings & love them to. So feminine & pretty. Great color too!

  14. Happy Birthday to YOU! I hope the coming year brings you everything your heart desires...and more!

  15. Happy Birthday one day late to my cute, cute friend! Hope you got a few of the things on your list. Love you Brittany!

  16. I am pretty sure I want you to make my wish list for me birthday.. You have good taste. Happy Late Birthday again..
