
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

geela {giveaway!}

Being a mom you quickly come to realize there are a lot of products out there that claim to simplify or make your life easier. What you'll also find is you end up owning a lot of products that seemed like a good idea at the time that are now stuffed in the back of a drawer or closet. This is not the case with Geela. In fact, I can honestly say I use their products every single day, sometimes multiple times in a day. Geela makes life helpers for baby people, they do it really well, and their prices can't be beat.

One of their most unique products is the Geela wrap:
Our unique baby wrap is in a continuous loop so you can put it on in less that 10 seconds. It has half the fabric of traditional wraps, so no more tangles, and more compact for diaper bags. There are no uncomfortable fasteners or knots; included is a Geela band that allows you to adjust to fit. Finally, a wrap that is fun and easy
to use!

*view instructions for use here

Two of my favorite Geela products are:

The Modern Mama (nursing cover) which has answered all my nursing needs. I love this! It is so nice to not be hiding out in the dressing room or bathroom stall. Instead I'm am comfortably covered, with my hands free (instead of clutching a blanket for dear life). This has been a lifesaver in multiple situations in the last 4 weeks, and I do not leave home without it.

but I have to say, their diaper clutch is my absolute favorite item. I take it everywhere with me. It's compact and light, and holds exactly what I need. A few diapers, wipes and a change of clothes. The modern fabrics, mixed with some vintage are just my style, and the embellishments add just the right touch.

Today Geela is giving away the following (in the designs shown)

one sling ($40) Notice it's reversible, the fabric is breathable and the sling can be worn in multiple positions for infant and toddlers.

one diaper clutch ($35)

and one wrap ($40)

THREE winners (hooray!) one item each, so be sure to tell us what you'd love the most in your entry.

Would you love to win? be sure to:
*enter a comment on this post - with your name
*please only enter once
*entry will be open until 7 am Friday (3/27)
*winner will be announced Friday morning

Good Luck and Thank You Geela!


  1. I would LOVE to win the Geela wrap.

    One of the reasons I have never been able to use a baby carrier are the annoying and difficult to use fasteners or knots.

    I love how the Geela wrap allows you to adjust the length through the Geela band. Ingenuis!!

    With a squirmy baby this wrap seems like an answer to my prayers!!

  2. I would love the diaper clutch! I love the design of it and I'd love something like that to throw in my purse for those times I don't want/need a diaper bag.

  3. I would love the Geela wrap. I've been looking for a good carrier and this one looks perfect

    Mindi Thiebaud

  4. oh me, oh my! I'd love to try out the wrap!

  5. Tough choice - they all look great. I think I will have to go with the wrap. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I would love the diaper clutch. So sweet looking and very good for days when I don't need a big bag in my arms.


  7. Jennifer Showalter: I would love the wrap. That seems like the perfect solution for my fussy baby.

  8. i am absolutely in love with the wrap! it is the smarter more portable version of what i have used in the past. pick me pick me! :)

  9. i love all of would be so hard to decide! thanks for such a great giveaway

  10. I would love to win any of these products. They are all so beautiful and functional!!

  11. This is soooooo perfect because I need all of these things! ... But I really want the wrap. I've been looking for a good one for a long time and I'm thinking this might be it.

  12. I love the wrap! Just perfect when you don't want to lug around a stroller!

  13. oh wow, i would love to win any one of the three. the colors in the fabrics are fantastic!

  14. I would LOVE to win the wrap. With three children, the wrap would really help me keep our new baby close, and still have my hands free to help our two older children.

  15. I love, want and need the Geela wrap!!

  16. I am in love with the wraps! Please pick me!

  17. Oh, I NEEEEEEED these items!!!!! My baby number two arrives very soon, and I was never happy with the wrap I had for my first. The Geela wrap sounds perfect.

  18. I would love to win the modern mama! Super cute nursing cover!!

  19. Oh, this would be great - I have a wiggly 5 month old!

  20. the nursing cover is so great! It would help so much!

  21. Ohh... the geela wrap please!

  22. The wrap, the wrap, the wrap! We had to retire our old wrap since it was too stretchy for my growing girl and we really need a new one!

  23. With baby number two on the way the wrap would be fabulous to free up my arms! But then again the nursing cover would make my life a lot easier!! Can I have a first and second choice like that?! Love their stuff- thanks for this chance to win!

  24. I have had my eyes on these for MONTHS!! I would LOVE to win. They are so beautiful and functional.


  25. I love the sling! They have such cute patterns, and a sling is a must-have with my little one! I would love to win one, or any of the other items for that matter! The sling is a favorite though!
    -Kathrine N.

  26. ohhh the sling!!! i need it!!!

  27. Very cool products and I love handmade! I would love the diaper clutch for my toddler.

  28. I would love the Geela Wrap, but if that gets chosen first I could make do with just winning the nursing cover. I would prefer the wrap, though...

  29. I'd love the wrap. But I'd take any of the three!

  30. i would love to win the geela wrap! the new hampshire deisgn is to die for, and a good wrap makes life so much simpler!

    brittany sivyer

  31. love,love,love the diaper clutch!

    Tori Stewart

  32. I would love the Geela wrap or the clutch! They are so adorable!

  33. I would LOVE to win any of these products but I am sure I would use the diaper clutch the most! I am pregnant with my 3rd and a little nervous that I won't have enough hands for everything, let along a huge diaper bag when running places. The diaper clutch would be perfect for me to grab and hold with the car seat as we go places in case the baby needs a change. So great and such a perfect idea for all moms!

    Courtnie Cotterell

  34. I love how the wrap keeps em so close and snug! I would love one.

  35. Oooh pretty please pick me! I'd love to win any of the three!

  36. The diaper clutch would be so perfect! -Kristin R.

  37. Oh my! Please pick me. I have twins and could use all the baby stuff I can get!!!

  38. The sling sounds amazing. I just found out baby #3 is on the way, so I know I'll need something to allow me to be hands-free.

  39. the wrap in the Hawaiian print please...

  40. Pretty tough to choose between the nursing cover and teh diaper clutch. Never had either, and would love them both!

  41. I love the wrap!!! (and the sling!) The fabrics are so so cute!!

  42. I NEED the sling! It lookS awesome!

  43. the fabrics are irresistible. i like the wrap best--the baby is so close to mama & in such a lulling position.

  44. I would love to win the Geela wrap. They are so fun and new and keeps the baby right up close to you.

  45. Like you I love the diaper clutch! So perfect for so many occasions. Thanks!

  46. Its too hard to pick which Geela item I'd like...I LOVE them all!!

  47. The wrap looks awesome! Would love it!

  48. The sling would be amazing to have for my son, who is due in two months!

  49. I would love the wrap! But they are all so great! I hope I win!

  50. I would love a sling. I will look so cute wearing it.

  51. That Geela wrap sounds awesome! I'd love to try it.
    Lynn Y

  52. Um, I love them all! I think as a first time mom I would love to win the sling, second the wrap, and third the diaper clutch. Really, I'll be happy with anything but the sling is my first choice :)

  53. I would love them all, but I guess I'll pick the Geela wrap.

  54. I'd love to win the diaper clutch. A friend of mine has one and it is so functional. I want something new and hip.

  55. I actually love all three things. They are all things I don't have, but have really been wanting. The designs are beautiful!

  56. I lost my diaper clutch and need a new one and geela makes the cutest ones.

  57. I love diaper clutch for those time you don't want to carry your large diaper bag.

  58. Such great finds! I would love to win any of them, but especially the wrap. Sounds so easy to use. Thanks!!

  59. i would LOVE a diaper clutch like that! :)

  60. I could use any of these, but I'd love the wrap!!

  61. I would love the wrap!! It looks so much easier than all the others ones out there...and the fact that it can fit in your diaper bag?? SOLD!!

  62. oh my...i love all things geela. all the designs/fabrics are so great. please pick me!

  63. I LOVE the Geela wrap!! That is just what I need as a mommy of two babies under the age of 2!!

    Naomi Nourse

  64. How do I choose? I would love any of them!

  65. How do I choose? They are all wonderful prizes! I would like the diaper clutch best!

  66. I've been in the market for a sling for baby #2 (due to arrive in August). This one seems like just what I've been looking for.

  67. It is all so darling. I would love the geela wrap!

  68. I love them all! I would really love so win the Saigon diaper clutch for my baby on the way.

  69. what...that diaper clutch looks perfect and so stylish too...any of these items would be great to win!!

  70. All three! But since I have to pick I'd say the wrap.

  71. Geela products look awesome! The nursing cover, the wrap and the diaper clutch all look awesome! I'd love to win any one of them!!

  72. I would love to win the diaper clutch! My daughter is getting to the phase where that is all we need. Plus the fabrics are super cute. Thanks!

  73. They all look like amazing things to win! I would love to have any of them!

  74. I have been a huge fan of Geela, since they were mentioned by my favorite band. I would love any one of their products, but the wrap is my favorite.

  75. i love these - they are to die for! the diaper clutch is amazing.


  76. oh! i have always wanted a diaper clutch!

  77. I would love the wrap...we are TTC and this would be so handy for baby #2!

  78. LOVE these. In major need of a carrier and the fabrics are perfect! :::Fingers crossed:::

  79. My friend RaChelle is having her first baby and I am so excited. I would love to win the Geela Wrap for Her! What a great gift!

  80. The wrap sounds fantastic! The wrap I used with my 1st baby had a big clunky ring at the shoulder... so annoying, I can't wait to try one of these, I am due in 15 weeks and scoping out products!

  81. I would like to win the wrap for my friend who is pregnant with her second. I would like to get the Modern Mama for myself. I need one of those!

  82. the sling or the wrap. ohhh, i can't decide!

  83. I'd love to own the sling or the wrap!

  84. I LOVE the sling! I am expecting my second baby and the sling would come in super handy!

  85. I'd LOVE a wrap...or anything in that Solvang pattern. Gorgeous. I just had baby #2 a couple of weeks ago and boy oh boy do I need spare arms!

  86. I would love the diaper clutch, so perfect for just running out to the park!

  87. i'd love the wrap! thanks for an introduction to this shop - i haven't seen it before. :)

  88. I would LOVE the diaper clutch!! Great idea and cute too!

  89. The wrap please! what pretty pretty products...

  90. I would love the diaper clutch. It is such a great design and oil cloth is nice addition.

  91. I would love to win the wrap...although all products are lovely. As I am expecting twins, I am overwhelmed by products and what might be thanks for the tip!

  92. Oh man. This would be perfect as my old wrap is sooo complicated and tangly. I would love the Geela wrap.
    Crossing my fingers.

  93. such a cute line. i would LOVE the wrap! it would be perfect timing too, since my double stroller wheel just popped. :(


  94. Oh my goodness, I AM IN LOVE!!!!

    I would love them all, but especially the nursing cover up.

    I am always in a jam when I try and nurse in public. My blanket always seems to fall down because my little one is constantly grabbing at it.


  95. I would love to own the diaper clutch. It is so cute and practical. Wouldn't leave home with out that in my bag.

    Diana Moody

  96. I have never heard of Geela before.. they're stuff is absolutely darling and looks like such great designs. Their products look awesome, especially the nursing cover...

  97. I'm expecting my first baby in July and would love the Geela wrap. :)

  98. Would love to win!
    Jill Kaufusi

  99. I would truly love the wrap. I've always hesitated to buy my own because the others looked complicated with all the fasteners and knots. Can't wait to try it! Hope I win.

  100. I would love, love, love the baby sling...with twins, I could really use an extra hand-OR SLING-to hold on to one of these silly boys.

  101. they are so pretty! a geela wrap would be wonderful.

  102. I can't decide which one I'd like more! I love how the wrap is reversible and the diaper clutch is practical and stylish!

  103. Ooh I would love to win the wrap! Please pick me!

  104. i can't decide... i love them all! but if i had to pick, i think it would be the wrap.

  105. this sling looks super comfy just the best gift for a new mom (as myself)

  106. I would love the Geela wrap.

  107. That wrap looks amazing I love it!!

  108. I love the wrap. My baby loves his sling!

  109. I LOVE the wrap i think it looks easy to use and comfy..

  110. This looks so great I wish I had it for all my kids

  111. I would absolutely LOVE to win the Geela wrap!

    I especially love wearing my baby - and the Geela wrap looks perfect! It actually looks easy to use, adjustable, and does not have a ton of extra fabric - not to mention beautiful as well!

    My colicky (not to mention refluxy) baby boys loves to be held and this seems perfect! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  112. Great giveaway! I love the diaper clutch. Great fabric.

  113. i love the diaper clutch.
    i keep my fingers crossed.

  114. Oo! I LOVE the wrap! All their prints are gorgeous!! --Sam W.

  115. I can't decide between the sling and the wrap. They both look so cozy for holding baby. And I love anything that allows me to hold my daughter and still have my hands free to take care of my son!

    I think I like the wrap the very best. Here's hoping!

    seriously, pick me!

  116. With baby girl 16 months old and baby 2 coming in 68 days-I would love the diaper clutch!

  117. I want one!! Ooohhh this will be so handy when my little one comes along later this year.


  118. I would love the diaper clutch! Tres chic!

  119. i would love the geela wrap. i've been searching for something to carry my wiggly Izzy around that doesn't put a lot of strain on my lower back. this looks like it might be a great choice and stylish too!

  120. I would love both but definitely the wrap is a must-have! What beautiful items!
    Jen Landstrom

  121. I would love love love the wrap. It just looks darling and so functional and compact as well!

  122. They all look great, but I'd like the wrap the best I think.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Sarah P

  123. I would love the wrap, but wouldn't mind the clutch either.

  124. i love the diaper clutch. it looks original and different.

  125. The sling, the sling!! I have been searching for the perfect one.

  126. I love this company and their products! The diaper clutches are too cute, and those wraps.. love those too! Thanks for the chance to win

  127. I love the Geela wrap!

  128. Ooh, I've been looking for a diaper clutch, this one looks like a winner.

  129. I'd love the wrap with a newborn and 2 crazy boys at home, I could really use an extra hand! Cute, cute fabrics! The diaper clutch is super cute and fun too! :-) Thanks for a chance to win something fun!

  130. I have a giant baby {20 pounds at 3 months} and the wrap would be wonderful!

    Lindsay Christensen

  131. Would love to the fabrics and the products!!

  132. I just about bought a wrap today but it had tons of fabric to wrap and wrap and wrap...couldn't do it! The Geela wrap would be my choice - a wrap simplified!

  133. Wow - what mom couldn't use all of these? I'd love the diaper clutch especially.

  134. I have a wrap for my baby and love it, so I'd love to win the diaper clutch.

  135. Ok, so I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with your stuff!!!! I found you on someone else's blog, but wasn't prego yet, so I couldn't justify a purchase, but now I am 30 weeks along and would REALLY love a wrap or a sling! I have an almost two year old, so I'll need all the help I can get to have my hands free! I LOVE your fresh funky patterns! Thanks guys


  136. I would love (AND DESPERATELY NEED) the diaper clutch! So cute, never heard of them. Thanks for sharing. Hope I win! :)

    Cindi McGrath

  137. I would love the diaper clutch! It would fit perfectly in my work/laptop bag, so I could stop carrying three bags into work everyday.

  138. I would love to win the diaper clutch, although everything looks wonderful!

  139. All three items are lovely! I would LOVE to win a wrap -- expecting baby #2 in June!

  140. I need the Geela wrap in my life! I just gave birth to our first baby (Jack) on Friday. Carrying him around in the wrap would be a great way for me to get to know my new son better!

  141. I would love to win the Geela wrap! It is exactly what I have been looking for. Thanks!!!
    Brooke B.

  142. Definitely the sling, i love the brown one..

  143. Love love love the Geela diaper clutch-Denmark style. So darling.

  144. I would love any of the three! But I do think the diaper clutch is adorable!
    Rachel Stowell

  145. I want want want, no, make that NEED NEED NEED the sling!

  146. I love love love those wraps!!!! I must have one!

  147. amazing! I would love the wrap the best because I have a sling and sometimes I feel like my baby isn't close enough to me! Oh i hope I win

  148. I would love to win the wrap or the diaper clutch. The patterns are so awesome. Love it!

  149. Oh dear heavens I want all 3! I would probably choose the wrap first. I am about to have my 2nd so I will definitely need free hands! The clutch thought would definitely simplify my crazy diaper bag. Oh you can give me whatever you want I just want to win!

  150. Hit me up yo! then again, I need some kids first.... hmmm.. Love the wraps

  151. I love them all, but the diaper clutch is probably my favorite.

  152. i LOVE geela!! i'd definitely go for a diaper clutch. they are so cute.

  153. Wrap...Clutch...wrap...clutch...agh! I'd love the clutch - brilliant ideas and adorable fabrics!! A chic little space saver - thank you!!

  154. I am working on my fourth boy (anytime now I hope!) right now and I have never had a diaper clutch. Sounds awesome! Thanks for the info!

  155. Oh wow, would I ever LOVE to win this giveaway!! I've been looking for products like these in anticipation of our 2nd child's birth. Here's hoping!!


  156. I would LOVE any of Geela stuff,so cute.

  157. Its my birthday today, and I would love to get myself the diaper clutch!

  158. Wow - love this stuff!! I love the wrap the most.

  159. Oh my! The Wrap--it looks a-maz-ing!!! How lovely and not bulky!

  160. Probably the prettiest diaper clutches/ slings/ wraps I've seen out there, and I've seen a lot! I love their button details!

  161. I love the Geela Wrap in Hawaii. It would be perfect for my gal due in May. I love the colors and fabric selections they offer. Off to heart their shop!

  162. I would love to win the wrap!

  163. I LOVE the diaper clutch! How convenient to have everything you need in such a compact CUTE design!! Thanks for the give away!!!

  164. Love them both but the wrap looks like the perfect thing to keep my baby close to me but also have my hands free for my other child. And the fabrics are beautiful

  165. My friend is expecting twins in a few short months and I would love to give her the wrap or the sling. They both are so pretty. She's having a boy and a girl so I like the neutrality of the fabrics.

  166. This could be fate because I was just looking for a sling on the internet to buy.

  167. I love that diaper clutch! So cute!

  168. They all look amazing and would love any of the but I really want the wrap! I'm expecting my second this summer and it would be a LIFE SAVER!!!

  169. The Geela slings are beautiful! I love the fabrics!

  170. oh the diaper clutch - my kids are getting too big to carry but getting the diapers altogether in my bag would be fabulous. What a fantastic givaway!

  171. Jinii Boren

    So cute!! I could use more cute baby stuff.

  172. I would love the Geela wrap. It is so cute and it would be so helpful. I am due in three weeks and I already have a 19 month old. With the wrap I could give both my little children the attention they need. Hooray for the Wrap!

  173. Oh! I love the wraps, I've been looking for one and I like Geela's style.

  174. I love the Geela wrap. So cute and looks really comfortable.

  175. i would love a baby wrap or sling for baby #3. however, i really need a nursing cover, and i'm a big fan of diaper clutches as well!

  176. Love the wrap! It seems like they didn't have any of these fun things with my first baby...but #2 will be here in July and I think it would be a dream! ;)

  177. I really love their nursing covers, and I can't believe their good prices!

  178. Love the Geela wrap. My newborn has RSV and always wants to be held. What a great tool this would be!

  179. Those fabrics are amazing. I really love the diaper clutch, functional and beautiful!

  180. I like the sling. (Though I'd love to try the wrap as well -- I've never had any luck with those long pieces of fabric...)

  181. I am loving that wrap! I've never seen one like that; all the ones I've seen are one long piece instead of a circle. I will have another sweet baby to wear in August :-)

  182. I would love the wrap! That is darling!

  183. that cute diaper clutch sooooooo wants to be a member of my family. it is perfect for being on the go with little sophie.
    sarah scoresby

  184. I love this stuff! That wrap is amazing!
