
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

moses basket.

I'm on the lookout for a moses basket for baby #3. I think this one looks nice. Suggestions welcome of great ones you've seen/used.


  1. i used the "cozy baby by wendy anne" basket for my daughter and then my son. i had it in pink for my daughter and then made bedding for my son but continued using the same basket. it was wonderful. they were both in it for four months, and it sat in the rocking stand by our bed. plus, they easily transitioned to their crib :)

  2. I have not used a moses basket, but this one is lovely!!

  3. I have this one -

    Have you seen these?


  5. I was going to suggest the new Serena & Lily ones too...they are SO fresh and fun :)

  6. i'm thinking about a moses basket for our baby #4! babystyle has a really cute polka dot one that is top on my list.

  7. I purchased a plain Moses basket from a store in Vermont called, "Basketville" - thinking it only cost me $15. Then, I made my own cover for it. A cheaper and more custom made approach.

  8. If you are looking to get a moses basket then, you should definately look into getting a stand/rocker. I got one for baby #2 and I used my basket SO MUCH MORE than I did with my daughter. I liked it because it got the basket up off of the floor and it rocked, which I loved! and so did my son *grin*.

    I got mine from Simply Baby and Kids, this is there site.

  9. Just wanted to add that I used a moses basket for my 3rd, it was my first time going to the bassinet route and I was very happy. He's 6 weeks now and doesn't sleep in it as much but it was a life saver those first few weeks. We bought a second hand one on a whim ($5 - why not?) and I bought some new bedding and it was perfect!

    The best investment was the stand/rocker from JollyJumper.
