
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

hello, my name is kelly...

and i'm happy to be your guest blogger for the week. i have a lot i want to show you, tell you, and give you, so let's get this party started, shall we?

first, a little about me. i'm the wife and mother to the two craziest people to walk the earth. and i love it. our home is full of laughter, music, happy messes, creativity, and all the usual ups and downs! we have a full life and i'm passionate about my family and making our home beautiful. my obsessions include knitting, sewing, and photography and i'm always going in seven directions at once. the gals at tangled and true asked me to show you my work, and let you into my head a little this week. so here's some of my work.....

...and getting into my head might best be done over on my blog, where i pour my heart out daily about the ups and downs of being a moody creative pmsy happy fun tired loving mama. i'll be back tomorrow. oh, and if you like what i make be sure to come back, i feel like giving some away. happy monday to you!


  1. welcome kelly! i'm thrilled you're here and love what's in store for the week!

  2. You know I love your stuff. I'd follow you anywhere!
