
Thursday, August 21, 2008

a giveaway for your little pumpkin

i adore fall. at the end of a hot summer i dust off my knitting needles and go to town, excited for the cooler weather coming. my five year old asked me for a pumpkin hat. i also love pumpkins, and i had to oblige. i had so much fun making it, i made an extra one for you. the hat up for grabs is baby sized, 0-12 months (shown all filled up on this 18 month old) and is soft and washable 100% wool. whether you'd like it for yourself, a friend, or just a hope chest, leave a comment, i'd love to ship it off to you.

and tomorrow, for my last guest post, i'll be giving away the sweetest mary janes you've ever laid eyes on.... see you then.

*This giveaway is now closed.


  1. wow! what incredible talent you have. that pumpkin hat would look adorable on my very own fat little pumpkin. he's about to turn one and that would make the perfect little fall accessory for him!

  2. I'm going to have to learn how to knit because that hat is really cute and I also love a number of items that you have knitted on your etsy site!

  3. oh i would love a hat like that for my 6 month old! my knitting skills aren't quite up to your level yet :)

  4. SO CUTE!!!! I am having a baby in 17 days (and counting!) and they are known to have quite large heads (his two big brothers do at least)... What a perfect hat for him.

  5. i adore this hat. my izzy has an apple hat that someone made us for my shower, and i would love to add another treat to the mix!

  6. I don't have a baby small enough for that darling hat right now. But I do have a good friend who could be having twins any day now. I'd love to be able to include this in my gift to her/them.
    beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

  7. Talk about talent! love the hat and would perfect for my friend's impending arrival. Count me in!

  8. Awww, that is the cutest hat, you are very talented! I would love this for my nephew. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. so cute! i can picture my son in it now :)

  10. So sweet! And most definitely inspiring. Autumn is my favorite time of year, and as the leaves don't change as much here in TX, I would love to experience the joy that hat brings. My little man would look so darling in it! Beautiful talent.

  11. That hat is so adorable and makes me excited for Fall to begin! Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I'm all about the Kelly Creations! .... love your work and love getting to know you more and more on your blog. (long time fan here!)
    Good to see you over here on T&T, Kelly!

  13. you are good. That hat is darling. The perfect hat for the perfect time of year.

  14. So cute! I have a cute little bald headed one that would look so cute in it! Your etsy is one of my favorites - so it your blog.
    trishaheadman at gmail dot com

  15. that is soooo cute! I have a three-month-old little girl who would look adorable in it. :-) She's a carrot-top, too so I think a pumpkin hat would be very fitting. :-) you're very talented!

    ladyufshalott at

  16. I love knit hats and wish I had the time and the patience to do it myself. This hat is adorable.

  17. Such a cute idea, and so talented! thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Sigh, I wish I could knit, sew or crochet! I would love this for my little one.

    tuesdayef (at)aol

  19. That hat is adorable, as well as its wearer. I have a cute pumpkin of my own that would look oh so cute in a pumpkin hat.

  20. Adorable! I tried to start knitting this year, but just didn't take. Maybe I can pick it up again in the cooler months, as you mention. I think it's a great hobby for a cold rainy/snowy day with a cup of hot chocolate by your side!

  21. That would be cute on my little punkins head!

  22. Oh so adorable and perfect for the cold winters!

  23. Love it!! I know just the person to give it to...she's expecting baby #3 soon.

  24. Fall makes me very happy. I would love that hat to put on the new little boy that will be coming soon.

  25. So cute!! I have a little one due in October, I would love to see her in a hat like this.

  26. Oh, Kelly - it's adorable! I hope you'll sell these in your etsy shop. I'd love to have a pair for my little boys!

  27. It is adorable! I am so impressed. I wish I knew how to do something creative like that.

  28. Oh, so cute! Really makes me want to pick up my knitting needles again!

  29. I love that! I have a little boy that would look so cute in it. Of course he looks cute in everything. You have an amazing talent - I'm in awe! Great work!

    saffl at hotmail dot com

  30. So adorable! I have a 1 month old that would look so cute in that perfect hat for fall!

  31. Oh my little boy's red curls would look so adorable coming out the bottom of that hat! I just hope I can stretch it on his big head!

  32. What a sweet little hat. How cute! My nephew would love adorable in it; his parents call him "little pumpkin".

  33. This is so adorable!
    I want to learn to knit, too, and I have no one to teach me!
    I would be honored to win this sweet hat. Thank you for making one to share!

    onlycancan at hotmail dot com

  34. What a great idea - I hope I win! I'd love my daughter to have it.

  35. oooh I have an 8 month old who would look adorable in that hat!

  36. so cute! would look wonderful on my cute chubby nephew!

    nerakcho at yahoo dot com

  37. Um, I think that might just be the cutest little hat I have ever seen!

  38. So cute! Can you post a pattern?

  39. just darling! i have a little one coming shortly. pick me

  40. Too cute - makes me excited to see Fall arriving soon. Thanks,
    Maureen (jnomaxx at hotmail dot com)

  41. I also love pumpkins and cannot get enough of them. I am just giddy with excitement about how close fall is! This pumpkin hat would just start it all off for me!

  42. love fall. love pumpkins. love orange. love hats. it would be perfect for my new little love who will be coming this fall.

  43. You are so talented...and so kind to share that talwnt with others!! Love the hat and would lave to see it on our new grandson's little head!

  44. So cute! I was recently trying to convince several people they need to teach me how to knit. Maybe I'll succeed one of these days. :)

  45. So cute! My seven month old would wear that quite well!

  46. So cute!! Of course, it's a Kelly original! Love it!

  47. Kelly I totally love the hat ! Wish I knew how to knitt! Do take personal requests?

  48. I absolutely love this little pumpkin hat! It would look sooo cute on my new little boy!

  49. This is amazing. Happy, happy fall!

  50. Hutch was me, Robyn Hutch, who commented...not my husband.

  51. What an adorable hat! I'd love to win...

  52. so so cute! i love fall, and my little fall baby would look adorable in that hat.

  53. Charlie, my little red-headed pumpkin, would love your pumpkin hat!

  54. So cute! I would love one for my little boy for winter. Thanks!

  55. I'm due with a little pumpkin in mid October...what a sweet addition to his wardrobe this hat would be!:)

  56. What an adorable hat. I too love the fall and can't wait to cuddle up and enjoy the new season. I think my daughter would look adorable in that hat. She is 17 months but luckily has a teeny head.

  57. This would be so darn cute on my newest little addition. Well, he's not here yet, but time for fall. Man, I should've listened better when my mom tried to teach me to knit. All I got was crosstitching.

  58. my baby is due Oct 1st so he will be so cute to bring home with a pumpkin hat!!!

  59. I've got a whole bunch of pumpkin heads around here that would be toasty warm in that hat!

  60. I have been wanting to make one of these hats for SOOO long. Maybe I can just win your beautiful and then I won't have to worry anymore. Did you use a pattern, or just make it up on your own?

  61. I wish i could knit like that!! I love reading your posts. Thanks =)

  62. Kelly, that hat is adorable! You always come up with the cutest things, love it! My son would look adorable in that hat so go ahead and send it off to me!!!

  63. me, me! pick me, Kelly!! Such a cute hat! I'll be watching your etsy store for lots of treats this fall and ready to send you my moolah!

  64. pumpkin hat? oh, i am in love. fall = pumpkin season, which has me smiling just thinking about it. enter me please!

  65. oh, that's the cutest.
    pick me, pick me!
    : )

  66. Ok...we're expecting a little one, so I would be thrilled with anything that Kelly makes!! Love everything that she touches!

  67. Your hat is gorgeous and on my sweet little chub of baby, the last of my four, it would be precious.

    You're amazing!

  68. What a darling hat! I love fall and I love pumpkins. This would be so cute to put on the baby for our annual pumpkin patch trip!

  69. The hat is so adorable! I wish I knew how to knit. Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. so I'm 32 weeks pregnant and my due date is October 14th ... the SAME weekend as our annual apple festival/pumpkin farm trip! looks like my newest little angel is a little big for her age already, so we are anticipating her arrival a little sooner...SOoOoOoO, i was just imagining HOW ADORABLE this sweet handmade pumpkin hat would look on her as she lays on a 100 pound pumpkin with the yellow barn and fall colored trees in the background while her big 5 year old sissy gives her a little kiss...what do you think of that? ;-)

  71. Pumpkins- mine and my wittle baby preggo sisters favorite!! Oh how her baby should have one!!

  72. I love that you just whipped that up for him. It's darling!! I'd love to put it to good use on my upcoming little one.

  73. What a cute hat...I've got a new nephew that could use it.

  74. I'd love to get better at my knitting. Scarves are my only feat thus far. This hat is adorable!

  75. Oh, my little red-headed daughter needs that hat ;)

  76. I've followed your blog for quite some time now and love your love of simplicity and beauty. ...oh, and i want that hat. my little cubby's head is calling for it.

  77. oh this is so sweet and cute i well would realy love to try and win this for my pumpkin it would go realy grate with her l-fit she got that has pumpkins on it and well it would be realy nice to where on a fall day thanks

  78. I have wanted to make that little pumpkin hat forever, but you making it would be better!! So, so cute!!

  79. I love the hat. Can I get one in my size?

  80. Wow great talent you have very cute!

  81. Aubrey said that hat has her name written all over it. Perfect for Apple Hill.

  82. I love the expression on that sweet child's face. I'd love this hat for my three month old daughter, Rowan.

  83. My baby boy would look ADORABLE in knit hats...especially this one!

  84. Love it! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  85. Beautiful pumpkin hat!! Would love it for my nephew!


  86. I love reading your blog and have enjoyed seeing you over here this week. My little pumpkin will turn one in October!!! So excited! You make me wish I knew how to knit/crochet.

  87. I am looking forward to fall now...thanks!

  88. So so sweet! Would love to have it! Thanks for the chance!

  89. Qute with a capital Q!! Many a baby-friend would look so presh and posh in that hat. Pick me!

  90. i hope we win. my little dude will be 7 months for pumpkin season. thanks for sharing your talents.

  91. Are you kidding me? That's the cutest hat I've ever seen!! Count me in! (placing my ballot in the box)

  92. Oh, I tried knitting a hat once and came up with a funky looking "neck" ring. (Not so cute.) I would love that little pumpkin hat for my little pumpkin man.
    PS. I work at Provo City Power and your husband was on my weight loss team...him and Kevin are a crack up.
    You should make him a pumpkin hat.

  93. This hat makes my want to learn how to knit! My 8 month old would look sweet in this hat!

  94. This would be so cute for my little fall baby turning 1 in November!

    amandagdonovan at gmail dot com

  95. gorgeous! i have a one year old and will have another baby in november, so it's bound to fit someone around here!!

  96. I love fall and pumpkins too, that little hat would be perfect for my babies first fall.

  97. oh i LOVE fall so much and cant wait for it to be here! love the pumpkin hat! making me super excited for the crisp, cool season!

  98. Count me in. I love all of your stuff so much Kelly! This is no exception.

  99. I love this! Our baby is due in October and this would be so cute on her!! Thanks!!

    kenzkween at hotmail dot com

  100. Too cute. My pumpkin would look so cute in it!

  101. I love the hat! All four of my kids were pumpkins for their first Halloweens. I would love to share this with my nephew!

  102. My sister just had a baby boy (Oscar) a week ago and I can't think of a cuter baby to sport this hat than hers! Pick me...pick me!

  103. Maybe Gracie will win this and be the cutest baby pumpkin ever!

  104. so adorable! Do you make them in adult sizes? :) I know I'll be jealous of my daughter!

  105. What an adorable hat. I'd love to have a pumpkin hat for the girls.

  106. Oh I would love this for my little one!

  107. Oh wow, what an adorable hat! I think it would look awesome on my five month old baby girl!

  108. Oh my goodness that is so cute & makes me less sad about summers close & happy about fall coming!

  109. I love the hat and I log the blog. I am a grammy of 10 and could put it on a host of little heads. I am also a shower giver for many girls. I feel like it is one way I can serve others. You are so creative. I look foward eveynight to seeing what's on your post. I am 55 but have become a blogger wiith the encouragment of my 23 year old daughter. Now I am hooked. I am sure I am too late for any hats, but my email is
    Thanks for the inspiration. My girls love you blog too.

  110. that little hat would be the perfect hat for my little man's first fall:)

  111. my soon to be baby should definitely have one of those! i never win maybe this is my one shot!

  112. My pumpkin pie would be perfect with this. thanks for sharing

  113. Babies have the best heads for little pumpkin hats, don't they? This is adorable.

  114. Oh, I'd love to win this for my baby on the way. He would look so cute in it!

  115. I have a little pumpkin that needs that hat!

  116. He is adorable wearing that cute little hat. I want my little one in that for the fall

  117. love those hats! can't wait till be make it in to the pumpkin patch!

  118. So darling:) Oh for your talent . .
    Belinda A.

  119. How sweet! The perfect hat for my soon-to-be pumpkin.


  120. What a sweet little hat. It would look adorable on my little Emma Grace.

  121. Love that hat! Very creative. There is a little one I know in Bozeman, Montana who would love to keep her ears warm and cozy when Autumn comes (it felt like Autumn here in Bend TODAY!)

  122. I love fall as well, and I think my little girl would make a great pumpkin in that hat!

  123. Pumpkins are so much fun- especially this pumpkin hat! My little guy would look so festive in this. Yes please!

  124. I have an apple hat for 0-6 months, so my one year old is ready for a pumpkin one this fall.

  125. That is the cutest hat I have ever layed my eyes on! I wish I could do half of what you do. ;)

  126. oh, i love it love it.  i have a cute little 18 month old head just waiting for a pumpkin! 

  127. What a fun hat and it's sooo cute! I don't have a little pumpkin yet...but that hat is a keeper for the future!!

  128. Too cute. My friend just had a baby and that would be a perfect gift since she loves the color orange.

  129. Wow. That is just too cute. I would love that for my sweet baby boy!

  130. ooo I have a cute little neice that would look adorable as a pumpkin head!

  131. my son is due oct 1 so you know i can use this to give the holiday some pizazz!

  132. Oooo...I love that hat! My son was born Nov 5, 2007. I tried really hard to get him to make his grand appearance to the world on Halloween, but alas he had other plans. Pick us!

  133. adorable! good thing i just emptied my memory card because if you pick me i will take a ton of pics of my little man in it!!!!!!

  134. ohh, I made my little gal an apple hat before she was born that should fit this fall but she needs a pumpkin hat too! Very cute!

  135. I love, LOVE fall as well! Is my favorite season. I love the colors and the air even smell different.
    his hat would look so cute in my baby!
