
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

this is me.

i've never been very good at describing myself, probably because i don't really like talking about myself. i can go on for hours about my kids or hubby, but it's hard for me to imagine anyone being all that interested in me. that being said, this is me in a nutshell... (although, once i start talking, i do have a tendency to get a bit chatty. so, you'll probably learn more than you ever wanted to know about me.)

i'm just a girl trying to find her place in this world. i'm extremely lucky... i married a cute boy, have two wild and crazy boys & one hyper, yet adorable dog. i spent my childhood dreaming of being a big & important business woman, and i was (at least in my eyes.) but, i've "seen the light." these days i'm living the dream... staying home, keeping house, pretending to cook, & playing mom. but, i'm definitely busier than ever! i'm trying to put my hard-earned mba to use by working from home (in the few spare minutes i find), although most of the time you'll find me practicing to be a domestic diva, & running after two little boys, which definitely keeps me on my toes. i like just about everything, but i LOVE: traveling, andes mints, aprons, law & order, shoes, purses & all things fashion-related (although most days you'll find me wearing a t-shirt and jeans), my family & a large cherry coke with lots of crushed ice (that's absolute heaven!) when i get a moment to myself i enjoy reading, exercising (running & cycling are my passions), crafting (i'm an admitted craft junkie, with ADD tendencies - so, you never know what i'll be up too), making jewelry, of course blogging.

i'm looking forward to spending some time with you & hopefully making a new friend or two along the way.

xoxo, K


  1. Yeah! Welcome Kelly - I love your "Just Spotted" blog and can't wait to read what you share with Tangled & True!

  2. Love the family pics! Oh, and a large cherry coke with crushed ice - you said it, it's heaven!!!!1

  3. I absolutely love this blog. Read it on the two days that I work an actual paid job. I hear you on the cherry coke man. Oh, yummy, I want one for lunch.

    Kaitlyn in Lincoln NE

  4. yeah! i'm so excited to be here. i have lots of fun things in store! wahooo!

  5. How wonderful to read you left your business world for your kids and family - a real inspiration to other moms. I left the workplace when I had my first son and now we have 3 and I homeschool them - they are so much fun!! Thanks for the Oreo recipe!!

  6. Hey Kelly!
    Just stopped by to wish you well.
    Have a great time here.

  7. This was a great post. I love the "personal" ones. You're beautiful and your family is so sweet - love the photos...

  8. welcome to t+t! i hope you enjoy your time here, i know i will.

  9. what a fun be 'guesting' on anothers blog...way to go...

  10. how cute are you?! it's funny how we loose our identities and live thru kids/husb. you are fabulous. be proud.
