
Thursday, July 31, 2008

so long, farewell.

Today all three posts are from Kelly, the amazing guest blogger we've had here for the month. I've loved having her here, her ideas, her thoughts. It's been a nice breath of fresh air. Today she's got some big questions for you and we'd both love your feed back. Thanks Kelly! I hope you loved your time here as much as I loved having you!

i just want to say thank you to all of you wonderful people. i have so enjoyed my time here at tangled & true. it's been fun sharing a "bit of me" with each of you. if you miss me, feel free to visit me at according to kelly or just spotted, i'd love to hear from you! with that, i'd like to leave you with one of my all-time favorite quotes, hopefully it will give you a little something to think about:
life isn't a destination - it's a journey. we all come upon unexpected curves & turning points, mountaintops & valleys. everything that happens to us shapes who we are becoming. and in the adventure of each day, we discover the best in ourselves. -anonymous.
xoxo, K


  1. a couple of months ago i deleted all my bloglines except for people i actually know. i went from about 100 down to about 25. i have kept a few blogs (like t&t) in my favorites and check them once in awhile. it was scary but refreshing. DO IT! you can always find them again if you decide you can't live without them.

  2. oops. i commented on the wrong post.
