
Thursday, July 3, 2008

from my book shelf to yours.

from a very early age my mom instilled in me an incredible love for books. although, until about third grade, i really struggled with reading. it was then, that a very wise grandma introduced me to a girl name nancy drew, from that day on, i was hooked. lucky for me, i grew up in a houseful of books, so feeding my addiction was never a problem.
anyway, some friends & i were recently talking our favorites books, & i thought i'd share. so here it is... my list of all time favorites. some are classics, some aren't. some will make you think & others are just fun to read. they probably aren't your favorites, but you might find a book or two that you like. enjoy & happy reading!

shadow castle
anne of green gables
the once and future king
rebeccathe mists of avalonkatherine


  1. Hmmm well I love a lot of the books on your list, Gone With the Wind being my alltime top of the lister - one book I love recommending to people is Lamb by Christopher Moore - it is hilarious and wonderful, the story of Christ's childhood pal, Biff. I highly highly recommend. I also love Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series (one for the ... two for the... blah blah blah) - always a good read, she is an amazing author in my humble opinion.

    Hmmm and I read a lot of young adult fare. I just finished the Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray, the last in a trilogy (first was A Great and Terrible Beauty)... Hmmm that's good for now.

  2. you named several of my annual re-reads but here are a few more:

    JRR Tolkien -- Wit and adventure, wow.

    Anne Rice -- creepy, gothic, sensual, it speaks the teenage darkly romatic Ophelia in me.

    Charlaine Harris -- She has 4 series of quirky funny mysteries. Happy endings are not a prequisite.

    Stephen King -- His short story collections aren't as well known to the main stream but are by far his best stories; Rita Hayworth & the Shawshank Redemption, The Body (aka Stand by Me), The Mist (not the hollywood bleh). These stories remind me of Poe and Hawethorne and Twain and Whitman. Who one can't leave off the list either.

    Frank Herbert -- PoliSci does World Religion does SciFi. I refined my cynicism on these books.

    David Eddings -- Fantasy that warms the heart without being sappy. Again a lot of humour.

    Ditto Janet Evanovich
    Ditto Chris Moore

    YA - Bridge to Tarabithia
    YA - Island of the Blue Dolphins
    YA - Holes
    YA - All of the Anne Shirley stories. I cry my eyes out in each of the post Anne marries Gilbert stories
    YA - Earthsea Trilogy

    gosh. I'll stop now. This comment could be a blog! happy 4th lady!

  3. I just finished reading two books by Shannon Hale.

    Goose Girl
    Princess Academy

    both were excellent, though I loved goose girl! it was one of the better books I've read.

  4. I love many books, but my #1, all-time favorite is:
    The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas

    This book has everything.

  5. great choices...i have read every single one of those at least twice :) reading that list made me want to read them all again!

  6. You have a great list! I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird and The Chronicles of Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time is also FABULOUS! But MY all-time fave is The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit!!! Call me a Fantasy freak!

  7. We have a lot of "favorite books" in common. Have you read "A Severe Mercy"? I LOVE that book and have read it quite a few times...

  8. You have a great list, some that I need to check out!

    My repeat favorites that I will never get tired of:

    Stone 88 by Gerald A. Browne (and anything else by him)

    The Handmaid's Tail by Margaret Atwood

    The Shell Seekers by Rosamund Pilcher

  9. I haven't ready any of these :( I just recently branched out into the world of "real books" I mainly only read Harliquen novels. I will definately have to try some of these!! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. Well, you listed off several of my favorites--and also one that has a special place in my heart: The Mists of Avalon was my mom's all-time most favorite book... Aw! That put a huge smile on my face!

    One of my all-time favorites is The Great Gatsby, I've read it so many times and I still love it. But, I must say, that Gone With The Wind, Emma, Catch 22, Little Women, Hatchet, Pride and Prejudice are all favorites too...Good choices, lady! I'll have to look into some of the ones you listed that I've never read :)

  11. Adrian Mole series
    Georgia Nicholson series
    The Little Prince
    Westing Game
    There's a Monster at the End of this Book!
    Aesop's Fairy Tales
    Wish I had read The Golden Compass over and over but now I got too many books.
    The Blue Suit
    I used to read the first couple of chapters of Daddy by Danielle Steel every few years thinking I would get further each time and make it too the juicy parts, turns out romance is really really really really really really boring and I would rather try to read a computer manual upside down.

  12. i love all the feedback. i can't wait to go through all of these. some of the books are definite favorites i already love, some are totally new to me. i can't wait!
