
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a well accessorized stroller

it's a well-known fact that i LOVE my stroller. when i get stopped by people, asking me about it, i've been known to give a pretty persuasive sales pitch (i wish i was on commission). one of my few gripes though has to do with the sunshade... i'm the first to admit that it's far from stellar. thank heavens i've discovered protect-a-bub. they're making it easier for your baby & kids to "weather it all, winter, spring, summer & fall". they sell everything from swim wear to carrier covers. but i'm loving their stroller sunshade attachments. they are made from a material that is UPF 50 +, which protects against 98% of the sun's UVA & UVB rays. It attaches super easily, can remain on when the stroller is folded, & it provides way more sun protection than your average sun shade. &, if you've got one of phil & ted's inline strollers, like i do, they even make a sunshade for the back seat. now, my stroller seriously is perfect!

xoxo, K


  1. Yea, we get constantly the same feeling from our customers too Enjoy it!

    Leave a comment or review on any stroller at
    And a $25 credit towards your next purchase at our Amazon store, to get there copy and paste into address bar

  2. I too love my phil and ted's stroller! My only complaint is the lack of cupholder. Have you found a good solution for that?

  3. rachael -
    great question. the lack of cup is kind of a pain. there are actually a couple of options. First phil & teds actually make a hang bag that hangs from the handle bars. there are some zippered compartments & a spot for cups. check it out here (sorry i'm too lazy to do html this morning!):
    they also have a cup holder coming out for the vibe, i wonder if it would fit too?

    if you don't want something that hangs down (like the phil & teds does) the bob single handlebar console is a great option. it'll have a spot for two drink and a zippered compartment as well. check it out here:

    and finally, there are tons of after market universal cup holders. just google it, or, here are several options:

    hope that helps!
