
Thursday, May 15, 2008

how do you stroll?

I'm a happy owner of the Phil and Ted's e3 and have loved it for the last 2+ years.  It climbs amazingly (even one handed), maneuvers easily, folds well, can seat two (the selling feature for us), and comes from a company with excellent costumer service.  (Thanks to the airlines, we've already replaced the handlebar and bumper bar inexpensively and without much hassle.)  It's been the ideal option for us!  But.. it's heavy (23 lbs) and bulky which makes traveling or even quick day trips a bit difficult.  I'm on the search for something light- quality and cool- but the throw into your trunk or wheel through the airport and go light.  (And if I'm being picky- something that works easily with an infant carseat.)

What works for you?  Please tell.  

{The Bumbleride flyer is pictured above.} 


  1. for now (until the baby is out of his infant carseat) I love the baby trend sanp and go stroller. It is just the base and you snap any carseat into it.
    Cheap, light and just great!

  2. I have really liked the Aria by Pegperego. It weighs only 9 lbs and has been great for travel (we have also needed to replace a few minor & inexpensive parts due to the airlines, but it has been a breeze). It fits the Pegperego carseat best but you can try another brand and strap it in. You can get this light single new on ebay from a retailer for a pretty good price ($120-ish).

    If you are in the market for a double Pegperego has just come out with an Aria Double that has a 60/40 split which means it will hold a carseat in the larger side! It is pricey but it might be what I get with #2 due any minute. I think it weighs 20 lbs but it feels light and holds 2. Downside is the price ($329) and some people don't like the side by side design.

    I am excited to hear other ideas! A stroller is such an investment and it needs to be right!

  3. It doesn't fit with an infant carseat, but I love my Maclaren. It's totally light, you can drive it with one hand, it's not at all bulky for travel, etc. They can get a little pricy (in my opinion) for an umbrella stroller, though.

    I think Maclaren is making a snap and go version now, too.

    Maybe you should just by the Bee.

  4. I too love my Maclaren Quest. It's super light, quick to fold up or down, and it maneuvers really well.

  5. I LOVE my Maclaren Techno XT! It has been a perfect stroller. It's so lightweight, easy to use everday and for travel.

  6. My bumbleride is coming at the end of the month, its the indie one in the brown color. I am excited to get it and hopes it works, I have had such bad luck with strollers/

  7. I love my Peg Perego Pliko P3.
    I would tell you all about it, but this website does a much better job than I.

  8. We have a Combi stroller that we bought at ToysRUs for Disneyworld. We love it! It's light, folds up small and you can carry it on your shoulder. The basket beneath isn't much to talk about, but it gets us where we need.

  9. I have an Uppababy G Lite. It is great! I love it! Very light and I think very cool looking. Easy to pick up and throw in the car and even stands upright when folded all on its own, which is handy. It also has a stroller strap if you need to carry it. If you are tall , this is a good stroller too. This is the only stroller that my husband (who is 6'4") has tried that he didn't kick the back of the wheels when walking. They are about $100 but it is way worth it. I definitely recommend checking it out!

  10. For sure go with a Maclaren. If you're really just looking for a lightweight, well traveling, small stroller. The levels from least expensive to most are: volo, triumph, quest, techno, techno xlr. I would go with the Triumph or Quest. They have more padding than a typical umbrella stroller, but are still really light and small. I have a triumph and I LOVE it!!! It's always in my trunk and I use it every day.

  11. We have the Eddie Bauer Twin Transit Double Stroller. I love it. I have gone through 2 double strollers now, and this one is still going strong. I like it because the wheels in back are very sturdy. (my husband likes to pop wheelies) Its compact, but it holds 2. I almost think it is like an umbrella stroller, tandem style. It has really cute fabric too, best of all it was only $120 at target.

  12. i love my quinny zap for a small, fold-up, travel stroller. i live in nyc and i dont normally use it for everyday purposes, but sometimes i do. it pushes great and is comfy for my son. its pretty basic, doesnt recline etc...but we have been really happy with it. plus, i love the way it looks! nice and plain and sleek.

  13. oh and it comes with attachments for the maxi cosi car seat

  14. The Bumbleride Flyer that you have pictured weights 18 pounds + does work with the carseat. Very popular stroller, I must say, and a decent pricepoint as well.

    The Micralite strollers (Toro + fastfold) are also lightweight and both have car seat adapters. The Fastfold weights less than 15 pounds and a decent pricepoint at $329.

    Bumblerides + Micralites can be found at

  15. Orbit baby system... awesome! Folds up with one hand (really!) and fits into the car seat base (both infant and toddler seats). Also turns sideways for easy in/out of the car and at restaurants/cafes.

  16. I loved my Graco Metrolite. It's a fullsize stroller-so it works with the infant seats...and its way light and easy for me to get in and out of car no problem.
