
Wednesday, April 16, 2008


note: normal posts will resume Thursday. we're just hoping you all have a chance to participate in this massive giveaway. please be sure to follow all instructions to be considered to win! (we must receive an email for you to be eligible!) we can't wait to hear how you'll give big.

due to some questions we've been getting, a couple of clarifications might be helpful:
*the winner will be chosen based upon her/his application is meant to imply that regardless of whether or not you've won in the past, you're a company owner or friend, since this isn't a random drawing, we can only pick a winner based upon the content and thoughtfulness of your application. Simply, everyone is eligible!
*how you will commit to give back (in a big way) this year: money is absolutely no requirement when "giving big". Rather, I think it takes thoughtfulness, compassion and planning. I think giving big needs to be something that encourages you to think outside of your normal routine and giving, something that challenges you, and something that requires a little bit of sacrifice for the good of someone else.  we're asking for a specific game plan/a commitment.  

We are asking for you to dig a little deeper than you normally might as far as creativity and consideration, but we're thrilled at the thought of the world being changed, even if just a little bit, by you. We hope that within this next week, many many more of you will be motivated to contribute. And we hope that this amazing product package is inspiration enough.

Good luck!

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