
Friday, December 21, 2007

happy, happy.

Phew. I (we) survived December for the most part. I'm so, so excited about family coming in and our approaching Christmas celebration and hope you all have a brilliant holiday {for those who haven't already worshiped/celebrated}. Tangled and True will be on vacation both Christmas Eve and Christmas {we're a celebrate-on-Christmas-Eve type of family.. presents, dinner and all} but do be sure to come back on the 27th for short week of 2 lovely readers turned guest bloggers. I can't wait. And.. and... I'm bringing in the new year with two full weeks of a giveaway a day starting January 1st! So far, there's an incredible line up of new winter products with several chances to win big. I'm all about a happy start to 2008! Until next week...

[photo via marthastewart{dot}com]


  1. cheers and merry christmas! can't wait to kick off the new year with t&t!

  2. Love that photo Kelli! Happy Holidays.

  3. Love your blog Kelli, you do so much good with it. Thanks and Christmas cheer to you too! I have learnt a new phrase in Italian... here goes...Boun Natale e felice Anno Nuovo. I hope that really does mean Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and I havent just infested your grandmother with camel fleas or something.

  4. ooooh, fun, I can't wait!
    Merry Christmas!
