
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

pure me.

I've never tried baby powder because of the inhalation and talc scares. Although steering clear is beyond worth it, I sometimes feel like I'm missing out on the ultimate "baby" smell, and the soft, soft skin.

And then I praise ingeniousness because a mother of two created pure me: revolutionizing the age old product by converting it into a "pressed puff."

PRESSED PUFF is hypoallergenic, pediatrician tested, and talc free. It is blended with natural extracts, aromatherapy oils, and vitamins. We then press the powder and place it into a compact to provide convenience. It is also dustless to ensure that your baby will not breathe the powder into their lungs.

Even cooler that it comes in a modern drawstring carrying pouch. And lasts up to three months with everyday use.. for $21.


  1. This looks like GREAT stuff Kelli!

  2. i found this stuff awhile ago - and got so excited! i missed being powdered after baths - so i intend to keep it a reality for my kids!

  3. I need to check out our local retailer and try some of this. It looks so good with the little drawstring bag. I am sure it smells divine too.

  4. This looks absolutely wonderful...I can't wait to smell it...
