
Thursday, September 13, 2007

like a bike

My husband actually told me about this product. He lived in Germany for a few years before we got married and the Like A Bike is made by Germans. Of course, I felt like I need to share.

It's called a Like A Bike. It has no pedals, comes in wood or a light aluminum and is made for kids to explore on. As they get used to the saddle, they will naturally attempt walking on it. Then as they gain confidence they begin running with it, eventually lifting up their feet and "riding" like a bike.

That is when you buy them a real bike. Genius, right? They have the confidence and mind of riding a bike before taking their feet off the ground. I {and my husband} are sold.

The website says to start as early as two years old...


  1. Target had their own version of this bike this past summer (the wooden version) for under $50. My sister picked one up for my daughter when it went on clearance for $12.50!

  2. I really can't believe that you posted about this. I was researching like a bike last night. And I LOVE the idea.. of the kids being able to build confidence before the real deal. the designs are great too (I'm a fan of the "forest" bike).

  3. my mother-in-law just brought one back from europe. my daughter was riding without training wheels after a week. we loan it to all the neighborhood kids so they can learn balance. it really works. but they still love riding it. it is a bit big for our two year old. and i'm sure the target version works but this bike is REALLY NICE.
    here's a video (bottom post)

  4. My sister lives in Germany and I had her buy it for me- $100 cheaper than online. We've had it all summer ( my daughter just turned 3) and she loves it as well as the nieghborhood kids. Plus I love the great design and that I don't have to stare at dora or disney all day. Worth the $$$! Here are pics of Lily riding it-
