
Thursday, September 27, 2007

holiday cards!

I'll admit it. I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to holiday cards. I set grand expectations in my head to make my own and have them look uber sophisticated. So far, it hasn't happened and I'm on year five of sending out December well wishes.

But! Remember when Lindsey posted about Mango Ink? Yep, they make holiday cards too. When I got their email announcing that their 2007 collection was in, I browsed and was sold.

Finally, I'll be on time and stylish for this years seasons greetings. Now, I just need to choose my template {they have so many great ones} and somehow get a recent family photo {that I want to send out}. Hmm...

I think my favorite holiday template is "A Red Bell" {pictured above} -- Chic and Simple.

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