
Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Are you often on the go? Do you ever need an extra hand? You're no longer asking for a miracle! A lovely friend and designer has simplified parenthood for the rest of us: Puj Baby {pronounced "pudge"} is the prettiest and easiest of baby slings!

"With the "Go" sling you're in and out in no time. No straps, no buckles, no zippers and no metal rings. Just throw it over your head and you're good to go. You can even put it on while holding your baby."

{Click to view "Go" Sling demo!}

See. Truly "so simple.. you'll actually use it."

Missy here {teaming up to do this post}. A few weeks ago Devin, Avery and I flew out to Delaware to stay in a beach house on Rehoboth Beach. Do we have any Delaware readers? If so, I must say that I love your state! It was my favorite vacation, to date. That's for another post though.

I bought a Puj Go Sling before leaving for two reasons. One, we were taking a red eye flight with a fifteen month old and Two, I haven't flown since having her. I was nervous about it all and pictured my husband and myself with several bags while carrying our sleepy {grumpy?} daughter at midnight through Dulles airport. So, I bought a sling. And it was perfect. It made walking through the airport so easy. I wanted something easy, that I wouldn't be left trying to figure out while stressing to check in, go through security and board. To tell the truth, I was pleasantly surprised by how much it fulfilled all three of those things.

It hardly feels like a sling, making Ave think I was simply holding her, but this time I had two hands to pull one bag and push another. They let me walk right through security with her and I actually used the sling as a blanket on the flight to keep her warm. We stopped in DC to see the monuments as well and I wore her all around without getting a cramp on my shoulder or having to switch her from arm to arm if I were carrying her (20 pound toddler). Loved it. Can't say enough about it...and actually I use it several times a week while I'm cooking dinner. She likes to see me shred cheese and chop carrots.

Be good to yourself: don't travel without it!

You'll be over-impressed with the tailored fit, available in five sizes. You'll love the six unique and brilliant fabric combinations {each with an equally striking name}! And your little "puj" will love being close to you while you play the role of multitasker {as we all do!}.

Such a godsend-- made with YOU in mind! And you'll go crazy to know that one of you will be chosen to *win* a sling of your choice {$50.}. I can't get enough of the...

ginger or the chloe! What's your favorite?

Katie at Puj wants each of you to experience the Go Sling. She is offering all Tangled and Truers 20% off any sling and free shipping! Simply go to and click on the Tangled and True button at the top of the page. {This will take you to the Tangled and True promotion page.} So simple and such a deal! Now "Go" get one!

Thanks, Puj Baby!

[life in the nest giveaway rules:]
*you must enter a comment on this post-with your name.
*please only enter once.
*entry will be open until midnight PST Wednesday. {comments posted after this will not be considered.}
*at this time, we can't guarantee international shipping of giveaway prizes. {do you have a friend with a domestic address? is he/she nice enough to accept the package for you? comment away.
*winner will be announced on Tangled and True on Thursday morning.

-Tangled and True.


  1. With baby #2 on her way in just a few months, I NEED the go sling. It would help so much with my one year as I try to do the necessities of life. Please let me win.

  2. can today be my lucky day?! I would LOVE to have one!

  3. This is adorable and perfect for my 4 month old. Pick me!

  4. GORGEOUS!! I love both of those prints. I would just LOVE to win a puj!

  5. So pretty! I think I'm partial to Kate.

  6. both are gorgeous! my sister in law would fall over in shock if I won this for her little baby boy, Hudson!

  7. I saw these just yesterday and I think they are genious!! I love the second one!!

  8. These are so cute! I think I like the Kate design the best. I hope it's my lucky day!

  9. The material she uses is really cute, and they look easy to use! I would love to have one!

  10. I love my Go sling and, personally, cannot wait to find out what other products for babies the amazing Katie comes up with!

  11. Oh, I think maybe the Kate, or the Chloe, or the Heather, or the Ginger. . . I can't decide. I wold really love one of these! The fabric is beautiful!

  12. I have been looking for a sling, and this would be perfect! I absolutely love the Heather.

  13. What a great idea and so adorable!

  14. I would LOVE to win this! I still haven't found The Perfect Sling for Baby J -- this looks like it might be it!

  15. i love this simple idea and pretty patterns!

  16. I have never bought a sling because I couldn't find a pattern I liked. I will look no further!

  17. I love them all! I would love some help carrying around my 8 month old!

  18. So cool! And they look so easy to put on. That is a plus for sure! I need one! :) I love the Diana print. They are all so cute.

  19. I hope it's my lucky day! I love the "Kate"-so stylish!

  20. I am loving these! I have been hesitant to fly with my 8 month old, but these would be a big help I think

  21. Oooh...I need this. I really really do.

  22. Please Bless I win. My back needs it.

  23. What a stylish and easy way to carry baby! Love It!!

  24. I would love to have one of these! Thanks!

  25. I would LOVE this sling!! I have a two year old and a 4 month would be perfect! Please pick me!! :)

  26. My 6th baby should be here any day, so we would get hours of use out of a beautiful puj sling!!

  27. seriously, i want/need one of these so so bad!

  28. The prints are adorable! Any baby would love it!

  29. what great looking fabrics. I would love to win a sling.

  30. Great practical design! It would be so much easier to tote my 23lb baby around!

  31. puj baby is amazing!! love the slings, love the designer, love those cute boys on her website.

  32. Loving the patterns they have to offer, I'm thinking I am really going to need one of these come January!

  33. I spent so many hours trying to find the perfect sling, and never did. This is IT!!

  34. Ooohh deliciously cute, pick me please!

  35. my aching back needs a cute sling! thanks.

  36. I have only heard of the SPOC but I love this fashionable and functional alternative. I hope I win :)

  37. one of the loveliest slings i have seen, would be perfect for my little baby on the go!

  38. I love the Dianna and the Kate! So pretty!

  39. Oh how cute and stylish! I love the "Kate" one. So fun!

  40. The Kate, Ginger and Dianna are my faves. I would love to try this with my newborn, he has to be carried constantly...

  41. exactly what I need and love the fabric choices.

  42. Hey, I used to take classes with this talented lady at BYU. She hasn't offered me a free sling, so I'm entering because they are real cute, and so would be my two month old in one of these.

  43. These are some of the cutest fabrics ever! I would love to carry around my little pudges in these.

  44. Baby #2 is coming soon, and this would help me tons when running errands with two children. I love it so much and have been wanting to get a sling. I also love the amy butler fabric used for the puji. Would love to be the big winner!

  45. I have a 2yr old boy, a 1 yr old girl and a 5 week old baby boy, This sling is just what I'm in need of. I'm always on the go.

  46. i'd give mine to commenter numero dos. i know she's dying for one of these . . .

  47. OOOOhhhh pick me, pick me! I have struggles with my front pack, I never use it, it is complicated and hurts! This looks like a great solution!

  48. What a great looking Sling!! Our family would LOVE to win one! I think I'm a GINGER!
    inalak at msn dot com

  49. Great sling! Can you pick me?

  50. Wow- so cute. I just looked at the site and love all of the fabric combinations!

  51. pick me! this is so cute and much needed for my upcoming flight.

  52. I LOVE this!! The Kate is fabulous, my son and I are keeping our fingers crossed!!

  53. At first I thought it was just another sling but watching that video sealed the deal for me! I need one of those slings. They're so versatile and simple.

  54. This could finally be the baby-wearing solution for my and my teeny little boy! I love both designs and think this is a great giveaway! Thanks!

  55. Love it!!! What a great product!!! Love the "kate" print. So cute...for girl or boy. I will be needing one of these soon...hopefully!=)

  56. I almost used to pieces my last sling with my last puj - a new one would be fabulous for the one on the way.

  57. The Ginger one is adorable!!!! I would love to carry my 2nd little boy, Hudson around in this and have a free hand to hold hands with my oldest!!

  58. These slings are beautiful! I'd love to win one.

  59. How cute are these!? I want one!

  60. i have been researching slings and this one looks great. i will definitely use the good deal if i don't win.

  61. My 25-pound 1-year-old would love this and my back would thank you!

  62. I'm a multi-sling owning, baby-wearing mama who can't have too many baby carriers!

  63. I would love to have a free hand!

  64. This is not a want for is a NEED!

    Crossing my fingers that I'll win!

  65. "Gloria" is my fav! This would be great for when the next one comes along. Would it work for a 16 month old who loves to be "up please" all the time?!?

  66. What a great idea! Perfect for anytime, anywhere!

  67. with four kids under the age of four, this would be so useful. an extra pair of hands at any given time is much needed. hope i am the lucky one.

  68. This is cool! Pick us!

  69. I've been using the same sling since my 2nd was born 4 months ago - every single day. I live in the city so it's gotten a LOT of use. Boy would i love to mix it up a little!!! Please randomly select me!

  70. Anything that makes a mom's life easier and promotes more bonding has my vote! And, so much more convenient than those bulky/strappy ones on the market. Brillant!

  71. abutleradams@hotmail.comAugust 8, 2007 at 6:59 AM

    Anything that makes a mom's life easier and promotes more bonding has my vote! And, so much more convenient than those bulky/strappy ones on the market. Brillant!

  72. Both are so cute! I'd definitely use it!!

  73. i LOVE her fabrics! SLings are the only way to go! I have been using mine forever...but the plain black is getting boring. I love the orange!

  74. So very pretty--the fabric, the babies, the mama wearing. I'd love to win one!

  75. I may be pregnant with our 3rd as we speak and would love to win this wonderful sling. I hope you pick me!!

  76. totally cool and fun! i love the ginger pattern.

  77. Oooohhh!! Me me! I've been on the search for a good baby sling & it looks like this is it!


  78. I could totally use this on the days my 11 month old decides to boycott his nap and is in grouch mode at 4 pm!

  79. I'd like a Puj! In Ginger, please.

  80. Add me to the list of like minded coveters! *Beth

  81. Such a beautiful creation! I love it!

  82. So cute - so practical - love it!

  83. oh my, i love it. unbelievably cool. please pick me!!!!

  84. I want the Chloe Please Oh Please!!!!!!

  85. By a slight margin, the Chloe is my favorite.

  86. this would be perfect for my newly prego college roomie, i am entering on her behalf (well, mine I suppose, since i would be the cool friend giving such a neat gift:)

  87. I would be so happy to win! please, please, me!

  88. Oh yes, I need this for my twenty pound toddler who LOVES to be carried. I think we'd look so stylish in one of these!

  89. my babes need to be sling-ed! it would be so fun to win...pretty please!

  90. This would be great for my 2nd baby girl due in October!

  91. My arms are so tired from my big boy... I hope I win this one!

  92. what a beautiful design! i have used a baby bjorn for my first 4 kids because i loved the easy design and comfort...but this beats it..especially if i could carry a toddler. baby number 5 (october) would love this!and so would i. thanks for the fun links and ideas on your site, btw.

  93. Wouldn't it be lovely to have this amazing contraption! Great design; love the functionality and the funk.

  94. Just wanted to enter the give away. My second son is 7 months and is much cuddlier than my first (who is 2). This sling would definitely come in handy when Ben wants to be held. Plus we are going to Australia in October and this would be a MUST to bring along. My name is Molly Elmer.

  95. I have to chose the 'chloe''s my waiting-to-have-little-girl-name!! Wish I would have had with my son! Please puj me!!

  96. i've never seen such an innovative product. i would love to use this for baby #2. i love the ginger.

  97. These are so incredibly amazing and beautiful all wrapped up together!

  98. oh my sweet wee-too-be was born today - how sick that i am checking shopping blogs from the hospital? and saw this - is it too late where you are?

  99. I would love to win one of these for my sister in law, its so cute!

  100. I would love to win this for my neice to carry her little boy.

  101. Oh my gosh, I love these slings! I wish I could afford one in EVERY color. I have the Cloe. (I hope I get to win another! Oh please please pick my name!) This is the only sling my 4-month old is happy in. I love the fabrics, the color combinations, and the way the sling works.

    I also have the PUJ shoes! They are thee cutest! They are also Daddy-proof, meaning they can go on either foot and are super easy to put on our baby, Oliver. He has the tan ones with the orange detailing, and we sometimes refer to them as his 'duck' shoes. When he wears them people comment on how cute they are. Many adults have asked if they could order a pair for themselves!

    I've also had to chat w/Katie from PUJ via email and she's been great at responding quickly and super accommodating too!

    PUJ is awesome and makes two of the best best products around.

  102. I hope it's My lucky day! This would be useful with my 7 month old!
