
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

salad recipe #1

Anyone who knows me knows that I love Trader Joe's. It's my absolute favorite market. One that I could frequent {too} often if I didn't abide by any grocery budget whatsoever. They always offer food samples which make for a tasty trip. I'm not talking about cheese on a toothpick either. They bake/cook/toss together a tiny meal right in front of you. And they always have recipe cards for you to pick up. Double bonus!

When I was there last, I came upon a fabulous salad. I made it for lunch yesterday...wish I had taken a picture. I don't even know the name of it. Anyboy want to name it for us?

Romaine lettuce
Handful of blueberries
Craisin/Golden Raisin/California Raisin mix
Chunks of buffalo mozzarella cheese
Raspberry Vinagarette {my personal favorite is Brianna's Strawberry Dressing}

Toss together and enjoy with some Simply Lemonade!


  1. yes please! It looks so good and simple. (and with the simply lemonade, a perfect lunch!)

  2. Blueberry bliss does that sound ?????? Gotta try it this weekend.

  3. It sounds super yummy. I love Trader Joe's, too. Here in NY it's actually the cheap place to shop.

    So, I'm new to your blog and I love it!

    I'm no good with naming recipes...

    Summer Salad? Nah, too boring.

    Red, White and Blue Salad?

    I have no idea. But I think I am going to make it sometime soon.
