
Friday, July 20, 2007

momspit GIVEAWAY!

Kind of like the universal head bob from one biker to another, I connect with people who appreciate clean and organized. It's just a part of me. It helps my life feel together and fresh. As a matter of fact, if I were to start telling stories, you would hear about time after time when other women felt like that had to set it right and remind me that "it's impossible to stay so clean with children." {This was before I ventured into motherhood.} I love that it isn't. And I love that my daily commitment to simple cleanliness and organization gives me a life that I can enjoy.

Knowing this, you can imagine my bliss when I came across MomSpit.
Inspired by the original, it's for everyone, children and adults alike. Whether you're urban, suburban or good old country, a soccer mom, golf dude, fashion diva or business suit, MomSpit was designed with versatility in mind. It's for you when you're on the move and in your groove.

They nailed it! "Dirt affects us all and MomSpit knows no boundaries." But.. what is it? "It contains no alcohol, mousses brilliantly, moisturizes gently, absorbs quickly and feels great. It's not gel. It's not sanitizer. It's MomSpit - the universal no-rinse cleanser for hands and face. Works like magic, smells like heaven, cleans like soap and water without the sink."

Available in Fig and Green Tea, Lemon and White Tea, and Unscented, heaven is an accurate parallel. I've used it for months and quickly become discouraged if I realize that the 2oz. in my purse, the diaper bag, the car or stroller has gone missing. After all, since converting from a thumb lick to a modern pump bottle, it's hard to backtrack. I'm in love with the product!

**One reader will be showered with the entire MomSpit product line, worth $81!**

The lucky winner will receive 3 7oz. bottles {one of each scent} and 3 2oz. bottles {also one of each scent}. Fig and Green Tea stands my favorite! I'm already running low.

If you're ready to eliminate the milk mustaches, the sticky lollipop hands, or the playground dirt without swishing around the original, take advantage and join the fight for clean. {And it's okay to sneak in a couple of squirts for yourself too!} MomSpit guarantees user-friendly products that have not been tested on animals, are not manufactured anywhere using child labor, and contain no human saliva, " 'cause that would just be gross."

To make a good thing even better, MomSpit is offering all Tangled and True readers a free 2oz bottle (worth $9) when a 7oz. counter top bottle is purchased. Simply click on the MomSpit add in the sidebar or visit here for details. MomSpit is sold at Pacifier online.

Thanks Lucie, Kim and Shelley for your ingenuity!

[life in the nest giveaway rules:]
*you must enter a comment on this post-with your name.
*please only enter once.
*entry will be open until midnight PST Monday. {comments posted after this will not be considered.}
*at this time, we can't guarantee international shipping of giveaway prizes. {do you have a friend with a domestic address? is he/she nice enough to accept the package for you? comment away.
*winner will be announced on Tangled and True on Tuesday morning.

-Tangled and True


  1. Oh my! I can't believe there's a product like this. Genius, clever and oh so cute.

    I love it!


  2. Ah sign me up! I'm very curious what is in it exactly? No real spit?? That's good! :)

  3. What a wonderful product. Enter me, please!

  4. Oooo...sooo great. I would love it!!!

  5. I am obsessed with "Magic Soap" as my kids would call it! Pick me!!!

  6. This sounds like a great cleaning product. I can tell me kids that they'll get cleaned up with sweet smelling spit? Sign me up!

  7. Great idea! With 3 little ones constantly touching everything in the store -- momspit will come in handy.

  8. I've read about this product before. I'd love to win and try it out!

  9. Sounds like a neat product. I'd love to try it!

  10. I am a nurse and a soon to be first time mom, clean hands are important to me, I am so excited they make this kind of stuff!

  11. My husband has always said i can't be that mom uses my spit to clean my kids. This would be our perfect solution.

  12. After growing up with a dad who licked my face clean (EWWW!), this is definately something I need for my kids (and probably me)!

  13. Sounds like a great product, and I love the name!

  14. What a great idea!!! With a two year old boy, I definitely need this!

  15. wow. that is the best invention ever. and what a cool name for the product. count me in!!!

  16. I need this....I hate the alcohol santizers - too dry!

  17. Very creative - I would love to try it!

  18. With an 18-month old, this product is a godsend. Sign me up! Love the blog, great ideas.

  19. I'd love to get my hands on some good spit! Sign me up...

  20. I have used the mom spit approach before. I would love an alternative to spit. Thanks for this great giveaway.

  21. what a good idea. i always need help keeping my kids clean.

  22. I am dying to try this product. I have heard wonderful things about it!!

  23. Any product that has a name like that must be great!

  24. i am pretty sure i need this! what a great idea!

  25. This stuff looks great! I sure could use it. I hope I win! :)

  26. People are so clever, I'd love to be entered to win!

  27. I have some sticky, messy little kids...this would be great. I wish I could come up with some great stuff like this! I would love to win!

  28. Sounds like a great product! Pick me!

  29. I've heard of this product before... It seems so interesting!

  30. okay so how many of us have gone to lick our fingers and clean off a face (a thing I never thought that I would do) if it works as well as I think it will then I am excited to get some even if I dont win!

  31. What a fun place to hear about how to keep our lives clean with kids. Something we are always working on with 3 boys. I would love to try it, thanks for doing this!

  32. That is the best name for a cleaner EVER!!!! Love it!

  33. Please save me and my kid - I confess, I've done the spit-on-the-thumb thing.Im sorry - but I gotta have this!

  34. This is genius! I love the name too.

  35. Never been sure if Purell is good for my little ones. This sounds much more child-friendly. With a name like "Mom Spit" how can it not be!

  36. my kids would love being clean as spit!

  37. I REALLY want to win this! After all I keep hearing about scares with regular sanitizers, this sounds like a dream come true!

  38. Great product, but the name??? Curious to try it.

  39. that name is awesome! i'd buy it just for that!

  40. Oh my goodness this is a product that I would use every day!

  41. I'm a clean freak. I would love to try it! Please sign me up!

  42. how clever! want that :)

  43. Sounds great! I would love to try it :)

  44. what a great idea! My daughter hates when I use my "mom spit" to clean her face!

  45. I've been dying to try this stuff!

  46. This product sounds incredible! please send some spit my way! :)

  47. Lovely prize! I would love to be entered! Thanks!

  48. this stuff looks great! With too toddlers, I do a lot of little hand washing! what a great alternative all the other stuff out there!

  49. I'm in! Cute product.

  50. I need some Momspit in my diaper bag! I'm sold!

  51. What a great idea ?? the clean freak in me is awake now.

  52. I hate the name, but it's still rad.

  53. Im a nanny of two little boys and have one on the way, this would be perfect!

  54. How cool! I'd love to try it out!

  55. What a useful product! I wish my mother would have had this!

  56. This has got to smell better than the original! Why didn't I think of this? Such a cool idea. I just discovered this site and I am loving all the fun ideas and product suggestions.


  57. I would love to use momspit on my granddaughters. Count me in!

    grams-kelley [at] sbcglobal [dot]net

  58. I love the idea of it. It will be great when my mother inlaw is in town. Seeing how she really likes to use her spit. Thanks!!!adamnash

  59. Wahoo! I can't wait to WIN this stuff !!!

  60. I can still remember what my mom's spit smelled like, if only it had smelled like fig. I think this is a great alternative!

  61. How Awesome! I love stuff like this. I really want to try it.

  62. Who knew 'spit' could be so cool!

  63. what an awesome idea! Love it!

  64. Now why didn't I have this on hand when my 3 year old barfed going through airport security last Saturday??!

    I think I need to enter...

  65. oooohhhh! I would love this! Great idea!

  66. Brilliant! Would love to try some.

  67. sounds fabulous! i want some! :)

    whitney shafer

  68. This is just too cute and convenient! I hope I win!

  69. Thats really funny. I never would have thought!

  70. Genius... I would love to try all of the scents...

  71. oh so fun! My kids would just dig it. HOpe I get picked.

  72. This product looks fantastic! I hope I win.

  73. I'd love to try this! I'll be a new mom soon and know that this would be wonderful to have!

  74. I always hated it when my mom actually used her spit to clean me.

  75. this product sounds awesome. I would love to win so that I could try it out.

  76. just found your blog tonight and i love this! count me in! =)
