
Monday, July 30, 2007

in the mood for change

I've been itching for something different. I'm craving {and have been for a while now} change in my home. I want to paint or rearrange furniture. Maybe I just want new furniture altogether? Regardless, now is not the time to shop for new couches or a particular dining set. But, I'm always on the lookout for new home tips. Simple ways that I can change things up and walk into my home feeling refreshed {without spending loads of money}.

When I found How To Give Your Home A Makeover - 8 Easy Steps, I got excited. The kind where you think something you really want might actually happen.

Granted, the photos in the link are not what you picture a home with a one year old to look like, but the tips remain useful. Things like, Add Flavor to the Walls and Get Indoor Plants {did you know "experts" suggest having 8 indoor plants?!} make me cheer out loud for doable change.


  1. doable change is good. on the list for my new condo/home once we find one: plants, flowers, new couch pillows (maybe. if I find the perfect ones). I can't wait until the day where I can furnish my home exactly how I would like it. until then... I'll stick to weekned (and inexpensive) makeovers.

  2. I would love to find good lighting--floor lamps and table lamps. I guess I need the table part first. Any good ideas for a coffee table/ottoman in a large family room with a brown leather couch? I have been looking for ages.
