
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hp presto.

We gave my husband's grandma an HP Presto Printer for her 81st birthday (!) on July 3rd. To be quite honest, it has been nothing short of a lifesaver for us and the rest of the family.

They don't own a computer so updating them on family happenings has proven a difficult task. When I heard about the Presto machine, I thought it was made just for them. It is a combination of an email address ( and an HP printer. You email and it prints out your message. It even re-sizes the photos so it doesn't use the entire ink cartridge for one photo.

The printer is connected to their phone line so you choose the time of day for Presto to "call their email" and it checks + prints out, leaving them an instant message from you. So simple. So easy. So pleasing for a very technology-challenged person. You can even add a [style] to the subject line and your message prints out on pre-designed pages (ie: birthday, get well, holidays etc). My personal favorite part was that I could customize the font size. I made it an extra large 18 font for Grandma to read easily.

It is made for even the most un-savvy computer person to install. Everything is already put together. Grandma plugged it in and I set up the account online. As the "account manager" I am able to monitor paper levels, see the printer ink level, and order her new cartridges at the click of a button. Since Presto only receives emails from authorized email addresses (that I invited), Grandma and Grandpa will never get a spam message. It even allows you to text and send messages from your (and your family) cell phones. Very cool.

The HP Presto Printer is currently on sale from for $99 (down from $149.99). Combine that with the $9.99/monthly charge (or $99/year) and it is a great gift for the entire family to pitch in together. I know my grandparents (in-law) love it.

Available at:


  1. It sounds perfect for your grandparents (in law)! I think it's a brilliant solution for the tech shy generation. {And after buying a new computer last week... I know that $99 for email access is amazing!!}

  2. Thanks SO much for sharing!! This is just one more reason I love your website and view daily! My grandparents are aging and would truly benefit from this! Never heard before today -- again THANKS for sharing!!
