
Thursday, June 21, 2007

yea for me!

After almost a two hour drive and a six hour wait, I am the new proud owner for an Anya Hindmarcher I'm Not A Plastic Bag bag. Avery and I left our house early, early yesterday morning and endured a long day at the mall. But, I got one and happy. Not so much for the designer lable {though that makes it all the more fun!}, but for a slogan I fully support. I'm a happy lady today.

I posted about the bag originally here.


  1. You should have picked up an extra - I was curious and looked on ebay and those bags are selling for about $100!

  2. the NYC store is OUT. That was fast. :)

  3. i have to say i'm totally jealous. i just didn't think the me and the boys would totally survive the trip to la. good for you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So cute huh? I was one of the lucky few able to order this bag online! i am sooo excited to see my own. Yay for fashion!

  6. You are superwoman Missy. Very cool that you got the bag. Now you're part of some serious buzz.

  7. Hi Monica! You were one of the "select few" to receive an email with a code to buy online?!

    Lucky you. What a great deal.
