
Monday, June 4, 2007

recipe: rocky road popsicles

My friend Ashley posted this recipe on our foodie blog. It sounds delish! Perfect for a late summer evening on the porch swing after taking a walk with the family.

Rocky Road Popsicles

1 package chocolate pudding
½ c. mini marshmallows
¼ c. chopped peanuts (optional)

Make pudding according to directions on package. Add marshmallows and nuts. Mix well and pour into molds and freeze.

Simple right? You can buy some Ikea popsicle molds {we have} for less than $2. Or just freeze in ice cube trays with popsicle sticks.

{View other summer treats here}


  1. I was actually on the search for popsicle molds last summer...and couldn't find ANYTHING. But ikea is a great idea. And these sound good...a little different, but good.

    [We always had popsicles made from orange juice or lemonade growing up.]

  2. That sounds really yummy, Missy. I'm going to try these when I'm at the cabin this summer with my neices and nephews.
