
Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I ask a lot of questions. I'm not one to hold back when I have a query or a concern or feelings that need expressing {in the best way, of course}. Through time, I have learned that with asking good, thoughtful questions, comes peace of mind. Let's leave it to Real Simple to make a questions worksheet "to remind yourself of the important questions you should ask your dentist, child's teacher, house cleaner, nanny — even your fiancĂ©." Two sample lists are included below. {Print off the lists in the "questions worksheet" link for quick, easy reference.}

You’re not choosing just a doctor; you’re also choosing a doctor’s office, so ask about the staff, too. And call your state medical-board office (go to for a national directory) to find out whether the doctor is board certified in the particular treatment you’re seeking. That means: If you need cancer treatment, make sure he’s not a board-certified podiatrist. (This has happened.)
[what to ask]
*What’s the usual waiting time in your office?
*What’s your policy on emergency visits?
*How many times have you performed [procedure X]?
*How do you feel about patients seeking second opinions?
*Can I speak to previous patients who had successful procedures?
*Who answers questions after I leave the office? Will you be available, or will I have to speak to a nurse or an assistant?
*Do I have to go somewhere else for blood work?

babysitter or nanny
Ask open-ended questions about how the sitter or nanny would handle specific scenarios at home. And review her references yourself, even if she has been approved by an agency that checks referrals.
[what to ask]
*Why do you like caring for children?
*How did you get into it?
*What would you do if the baby didn’t stop crying or wouldn’t eat?
*What would you do if a child threw food at you? How would you react or discipline her?
*Are you trained in child or infant safety, first aid, and CPR?
*How will you and I communicate? By phone? Will you leave me written notes about what happened during the day?
*What’s your plan if there’s an emergency?
*What if you’re sick or your kids are sick and you can’t make it?
*Can I talk to other people you have worked for?

note: I actually studied a list similar to this (with a couple of questions jotted down on a piece of paper) for when I interviewed the man who became Cole's first doctor. It helped me, an anxious {almost} mom, tremendously!


  1. What a good list to have on file Kelli! I will surely use this in the future.

  2. This is great. I will try this. Im the same way but my lists are so bad. Thanks.
