
Friday, June 22, 2007

due and sprout GIVEAWAY!

"From the moment a woman conceives, the questions never stop. Introducing... Due and Sprout. Fine knit, sexy tanks and tees with all the right answers. It's that simple. Due and Sprout without question."

The products are as clever as the company's introduction {see above}! Once again, a couple of brilliant women {and moms!} have put their heads together to create a solution that we've been hoping for: compelling answers to the dreaded, embarrassing, funny, and shocking questions that inevitably come with being pregnant. Tanks and tees {made from the finest, softest cotton knit} that say it for you.

"Their 15 honest, witty answers have graced publications such as InStyle, UsWeekly, People Magazine and USA Today." To catch up with this maternity wardrobe craze coined, "perfect... for pregnant celebrities" {by CBS' The Early Show}, Due and Sprout is offering one Tangled and True reader a tank and tee of their choice!

Worth up to $88. [See giveaway rules below.]

Imagine a cozy chocolate tee with Not Finding Out in pistachio, Girl in pale pink, or Yes I'm Pregnant in tangerine. Mommies everywhere (including several A-list celebrities) are loving their Due and Sprout shirts- perfect for yoga, over a bathing suit, layered under a jacket or simply the stylish solution {standing alone} to a comfortable maternity outfit.

"The questions truly do not end. And no matter how we feel on any given day, famished or queasy, elated or weepy, on-the-move or utterly exhausted, we are expected to stop, accept our fate and provide answers." Give yourself {or a deserving friend} a break! View the collection here.

What's the perfect fit for you?

ask, then touch
foot tush head
just delivered
no name yet
not finding out
yes, I'm pregnant

Due and Sprout is offering a 10% discount to any Tangled and True reader. Simply enter "tangled and true" at checkout to apply this offer. There is also free shipping on an order of 2 or more tees. Time to stock up on congratulations! gifts. Or {almost} reason enough to get pregnant.

p.s. We would love to hear the craziest of questions {or comments} you've gotten!

Thanks, Due and Sprout!

[life in the nest giveaway rules:]

*you must enter a comment on this post-with your name.
*please only enter once.
*entry will be open until midnight PST Monday. {comments posted after this will not be considered.}
*at this time, we can't guarantee international shipping of giveaway prizes. {do you have a friend with a domestic address? is he/she nice enough to accept the package for you? comment away.
*winner will be announced on Tangled and True on Tuesday morning.

-Tangled and True.


  1. I'd love those. It would probably be a better way to tell my junior high students then just letting them whisper about it for a few weeks.

  2. These are great!!! I think we were asked 100's of times what we were having the last time! I would love the not finding out tee....perfect!!!

  3. My sister in law is pregnant right now. This would make a great gift!

  4. Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I'm pregnant so these shirts are perfect! So cute!

  5. A family member just found out she's pregnant so I might have to get one for her! Or...WIN ONE!

  6. All the reason to go for baby number two :)

  7. i've been wanting a shirt that says "twins" so i can explain why I look so big at only 24 weeks!

  8. Love, Love, Love the tee's. Hope that I will be wearing one soon.

  9. These are so cute!!!! I have heard all of the ?'s.... It would be so hard to pick which ones to get!

  10. Perfect summer wear to go with the September baby I'm expecting!

  11. Ooh, I want one. It could be good... soon. I hope. Maybe.

  12. What a fabulous find! My friend is only two months and already going out of her mind answering questions... one of these tees would put an end to the repetition!

  13. How crazy is it that teh FIRST thing I did this morning was run and check this blog? These are adorable and as it happens I am pregnant ;)


  14. Love the shirts. It's always great to find maternity wear that is actually stylish and cute!

  15. "Look, then touch" is my favorite.

  16. Nice. Now they need one that says: I'm not just getting fat, I'm pregnant! or Yep, still pregnant! or how about: Since you looking and wondering...yes, baby girl/boy has been delivered.

  17. I am hoping to be pregnant very soon. These would be a great start to my maternity wardrobe.

  18. These are wonderful- I love the one that says "ask then touch"

  19. Oh gosh..I have a coworker that needs this. So many people ask her if she's pregnant....and we always I just ate a whole chicken!! I would love to give this to her.


  20. Love all of them. Especially the 'first' one. That is so sweet.

  21. These are cute! I once was in an elevator when I was having my boy and was wearing a pink shirt. The lady next to me said, "so I assume you are having a girl..." I told her I was having a boy, and she said, "but you are wearing a pink shirt?!"

  22. Just Delivered: I could live in this one!

    Success! tee would be perfect for all of my "first time" mommy to be friends!

  23. Ask, then touch---That's what I need!

  24. How fun are those! I'd love to start my maternity wardrobe with one... or two!

  25. I just finished, but I'd love to give it to a friend!

  26. I would love this giveaway, being 6 months pregnant! These are great!

  27. After trying for 19 months already...I'd love to proudly wear a tee that says "success"!!

    And then later, "ask, then touch". Good one!

  28. What bold and fun T's. I would wear it proudly the next time I get pregnant!

  29. I had one when I was pregnant with my first...due in spring. Now I need one for this baby...I hope I win!

  30. I want one that says, "Don't touch" or "Don't comment on my growing belly." I think I get grumpy when I'm pregnant.

  31. My top picks would be boy, second or candy hearts.

    I love it when people ask if you're happy that you're pregnant. Or when they want to hear about how sick you've been. Like they really want you to be miserable!

  32. the "yes I'm pregnant" shirt is my favorite!

  33. so fun. love them all.

  34. these are very cute. it would be nice to update an already stale maternity wardrobe. only 10 more weeks to go, although many think i must be ready to pop next week or having twins. i guess a third pregnancy will do that to you.

  35. Please randomly select me! One of my friends is finally pregnant and I'd LOVE To give her one!

  36. "No Name Yet" We had the hardest time picking our daughter's name. 5 days after her birth we called everyone to tell them the name we had finally given her. My mother-in-law called late that evening (no good for the new baby) to ask if "we were sure" and if we "might consider changing the name". I was shocked! These tee's are just the thing a expecting/new mom needs.

  37. Fun Shirts! You always need something new when you are pregnant!:)

  38. now THIS would be a great addition to my maternity wardrobe! (and much needed!)

  39. I love these - and am crossing my fingers that I'll need one soon.

  40. This would be the perfect gift for my pregnant girlfriend! (or save for myself for the next round, haha)

  41. Great, since the second time around you start showing earlier. I could use one of these.

  42. Those are so cute!

  43. I love them all! Very cute!

  44. How fabulous!! I could LIVE in those t-shirts!

  45. It's too hard to decide! What a cute idea.

  46. Don't enter me twice, but now I want to know what Tara named her baby. (I'd be ticked at my mil)

  47. I so need this to add to my wardrobe. I love witty and so me! Pregnancy is one of the best times in a woman's life, and what better way to celebrate it than with Due and Sprout's shirts? Seriously..I need this!


  48. I'd like one that says,

    I didn't just get released from concentration camp. I'm pregnant."

  49. I love all of them, I would take any!!

  50. What great products! I would LOVE these! So cute and look so comfortable!

  51. What awesome products! Makes me want to get pregnant! ha ha
    These would be great gifts for my two pregnant sisters!

  52. I am pregnant right now along with many other of friends and family. This would be a great gift! Very fun!

  53. my prego friend would love this, and I have yet to get her a gift, pick me please.

  54. My best friend would LOVE one of these right about now!

  55. Oh I would love to get one of these. My fav is the "Ask, then touch" or maybe "Yes, I'm pregnant". It's a toss up! We are expecting our 4th in February.

  56. My sister is pregnant and I have a ton of friends who are pregnant and they would all look too cute in these. I love them!

  57. My wife loves the tees with the words! she would be so happy if i gave her these.

  58. oh my gosh these are so cute! We're trying for our second baby and I would LOVE one of these shirts. They are so perfect. I LOVE the ask, then touch one and the yes, I'm pregnant one. They are great!

  59. So cute! Would love to win one of these.

  60. I could never find any cute things like this in the store. I would love one! (or two!)

  61. Super Cute! My least favorite comment was after someone walked all the way around me looking me up and down and said, "Are you sure you are not having twins?" This time a couple of people have asked, "So, was this one planned?" Crazy people :-).

  62. My maternity wardrobe needs help! These would be the perfect start!

  63. I'm such a good sister, I'd give mine to Mandy. My favorite - ask, then touch

  64. These are just so great. I am expecting my 4th girls in 6 weeks. How fun and sassy!!! :-)

  65. I'm pregnant and dying for something cute to wear!

  66. These are hot. Im not expecting another one anytime soon, but these will be perfect for the second time around!
