
Monday, June 25, 2007

buy this book.

Sometimes I worry that I'll forget what it's like to be a teenager. That I won't be able to sympathize with my daughter's latest fashion needs, boy trouble, best friend angst etc. I don't want to be that kind of mom. I hope to be supportive and available.

I just finished Notes On A Near-Life Experience. I've given it a permanent seat on my bookshelf because it reminds me of life as a teen. Which, let's all be honest, can be hard sometimes.

I'm not sure the author, Olivia Birdsall, wrote Notes On A Near Life Experience with a parent readership in mind, but I'm recommending it for just that. Sure it jogged memories of my own adolescence, but even more so, it gave me a fresh perspective on teen-hood and how life presents itself to a sophomore in high school.


  1. I think we need to step away from adult literature sometimes. One of my very favorite reads in the last several years was Star Girl...also in the adolescent section of the book store. {I'm sure you've read it. It was a recommendation from your brother..} I'm excited to add this to my growning list of "must reads." Now, I just need to find time to approach that list!

  2. It better not have a permanent seat on your bookshelf. It's mine remember? It belongs on my bookshelf.

  3. If my daughter's teenage years will be anything like my own I had better start preparing now! The whole mother-daughter-friends-boy friends relationship is a tough one that I am not yet prepared for (at least not on the 'mom' side of things). Thanks for the book suggestion!

  4. Thanks, Missy, for saying nice things about my book and spreading the word! I love your blog!
