
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

button up!

We love our readers and hope that Tangled and True will forever be a community for any woman, mother or parent alike to enjoy. We only hope that we continue to learn from you, and in return, can always deliver on the level of all things pretty, design-extraordinary, simple, and all natural.
{If you ever have any questions or suggestions for us... please don't hold back! Our email is in the sidebar.}

As per request, we have created a simple button for any of our readers to add to their blogs, websites, etc. {As shown above.} Simply copy the code {below} and add it into the html section of your sidebar. Let us know if you get stumped.

Kelli and Missy.


  1. somehow I could not copy and paste the link on my blog. Can you help me with that ??

  2. Hi zobars! Due to some computer/ technical stuff, we couldn't actually write the code as text in the post. Instead, it is a picture that is copied into the post. Because of this, you will actually have to just type manually rather than copy and paste. I'm happy to email it to you.

  3. Thanks Kelli. Will wait for your email. I could only get the picture on my blog.

  4. Please email me the code and I'll put it up post-haste. I love your site!

    cpamomva at hotmail dot com
