
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

too posh to push?

Our {Tangled and True} friend Kathryn posted an article from Time on her blog. Called Too Posh To Push it discusses the current rise of c-sections in labor and delivery rooms across the globe. More women are electively choosing for a c-section rather than giving birth naturally {vaginally, not necessarily sans epidural}. In some Brazilian clinics, c-sections are performed 90% of the time.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) agrees with the following statement (made by Prof Benjamin Sachs of Harvard), "Our responsibility as physicians is to counsel at both ends of that spectrum, explain the issues and try to provide support for women." But a recent Gallup poll of currently practicing OB's is mostly divided. The stats are nearly split in half whether a doctor would perform a c-section requested by a patient.

The risks are certainly there. Any thoughts? Are c-sections becoming the next Bugaboo or Bumble Bag in childbearing terms?

1 comment:

  1. I think it's sad when people jump on trends without researching the options/consequences or without being taught them by their doctors.

    I gave birth at a really well known hospital in Boston (MGH) that, because of their plethora of high risk patients, refused me an elective c-section or even an induction. Although I hated this at the time, and still disagree with doctor's choosing to stick to what they want 100% (patient's desires unconsidered), I'm glad that I didn't jump on the trend. That said, I think it's crucial for doctor's to always explain the pros/cons of both options with the patient before agreeing to an elective surgery. I think the patient (mother) should always be encouraged to do her own research. And then...if mother and baby are each her own.
