
Monday, May 7, 2007

mango ink.

I never sent out baby announcements. I always intended to, but just never got around to it amongst all the newness of motherhood. Next time around, I'd love to send them out. It might be possible if I use a company like Mango Ink. Love their cards, love their story too.

Here are some favorites from the baby, birthday and thank you cards.


  1. I like the site. Very colorful and refreshing...with fun, reasonable options. Another great stationary company is always a good thing.

  2. ohhh I love these, I have been looking around for announcements that I could fall in love with. My baby is already 15months old haha I didnt send out announcements either but I wanted to get something to pretend I did, for his scrapbook. Thanks for this link, I love it.

  3. These are so nice looking. I will try again with the announcement thing this time but it really hasn't been on my list of high priorities after I have a baby!

  4. This is a fun site Linds. They look like great quality and stylistic for sure.
