
Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I'm on a Lotta Jansdotter kick lately. I simply can't get enough of her simple, yet sophisticated design. Even better, that she designs for children too. Check out the bib {above}. Are you interested? Well, my top favs {of late} for myself are listed below too. I love thinking that Ave and I could match accessorizing ourselves with Lotta.

A. I'm all over the checkbook cover.

B. One can never have enough bags.

C. I love the idea of soap in a dish {even if it is just for decor} in a bathroom. This dish is perfect for it.

*bib available here
*all other products available here


  1. eOooh- I really like Lotta, too. I love the checkbook covers. And the bags. Nice find Missy. (reasonable prices, too)

  2. Yes, good find. I love that bag and pretty much every other one on her website. I like the prices too!

  3. Love this style. Good website. Thanks Missy. Love the linens and check book covers.
