
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

hooray for reading!

Call me a book snob, but I love stylish children's books. We've just added two new (stylish) books to our library. Above: How To Catch A Star by Oliver Jeffers. It's been called 'stylishly spellbinding' by the Telegraph. The illustrations are simple, modern and yet completely sophisticated for both children and parents. Check it out.

And number two: Russell the Sheep by Rob Scotton. The plot is what you'd expect: a sheep with insomnia and so what does he do? You guessed it. He counts sheep. A bit obvious, but the illustrations are witty, fresh and vibrant. Lots of variations of blue. It's a fun one.


  1. Lindsey! These look adorable. I might be a book snob too, but isn't it so much fun being one? I love when I get as into the book as Avery {ok, maybe even more}.

  2. We love Russell the sheep! Such a clever and fun book.
