
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

{get in shape} run

Second in our get in shape series: Running

Please, don't let the R word chase you away. Substitute power walk or jog if you must. We're talking about slimming our waist, toning our arms and watching the scale numbers drop. Running does it better than any other sport I know.

One thing I love most about running is the lack of equipment needed to do it. Get yourself a pair of shorts (dry-fit preferably), a coolmax sport top and some quality running shoes and you are set. I've pictured my favorite running outfits below {and I have a lot}.

A. Tops. I'm a fan of the sport tops (tops with a built in bra). I am rather small chested, so they work for me. If you are over a C/D cup, I would suggest purchasing a sports bra you can trust such as this and a dry-fit tank such as this to give you maximum support.

B. Shorts. I love Nike running shorts. I just do. They work for me. Find my two choices here and here.

C. Skirt. Yes! A skirt you can run in. For the fashionista of the workout world, this skirt is absolutley awesome. Designed by a pro (woman) triathlete (Nicole DeBoom), Skirt Sports did something right when the introduced the Marathon Girl . But, oh, the Gym Girl is flattering too.

D. Socks. Invest in socks that will not chafe your toes during a training run (or race!). I love Asics socks. And I think the low socks {ie: below the ankle bone} flatter the entire ankle-calf area better.

E. Shoes. I always buy my shoes at a local, small running shop. They employ knowledgeable ex-collegiate (or professional) runners that will not only watch you run, but fit you for the right shoe. And most of the time, if you are unhappy with your purchase, they will offer an exchange. If you live in San Diego, visit this shop.

F. Bracelet. Yes, it's rubber, but it is a bracelet and the profits go to cancer research. Buy one for yourself and give the other nine (they come in a pack of ten) to your friends. And if you are looking for more accessories, grab a headband (that wicks sweat away).

Now that your dressed for success, where do you begin? Well, first choose a date for a race {yes, a race!}. A race is the perfect motivator to begin training and keep it up.

A {small} Q&A to get you feeling prepared:
  • What if I've never run before?
    No worries! Just get yourself some running clothes and start today. Run for twenty minutes and gradually work up to your goal (possibly 45 minutes?) If you are a power-walker, try running for a couple minutes at a time throughout your walk. You'll see improvements, I guarantee.
  • What if I want to do a longer race?
    Perfect! Kudos to you. A 5K is great for beginniners and elite. Beginners get the racey feel while elite can push for their PR.
  • What should I eat during training and on race day?
    Depends on the race distance. If it is a 5K you should be ok with eating a bagel, banana and energy bar the morning of the race. If it is a marathon, please (please!) only eat what you have trained with during long runs (based on firsthand experience, you don't want to do otherwise.)
  • How do I train?
    This one, I've already done the work for you. Below is a 5K training plan based on a 4th of July race. Visit this site to find an Independence Day race near you. You've got 6 weeks!
Good luck! And email me how you feel at the finish line (I'd love to feature your results)!


  1. Missy, there have been SO many times in my life where I get motivated to run. I buy the new shoes and the Asics socks and then.. the plan fails. I think your training schedule is really motivating. And I'm ready for the slim waist and toned arms!

    If I'm not training for a race (and am a very beginner runner).. how long should I aim to run a day (time or miles)?

  2. I would aim at running three times a week, starting at 20 minutes. Slowly work up the time and then as you wish you can add a day in there too!

  3. Kelli asked my question. Thanks missy. I'm such a weak runner, so it's good to know how to start.

  4. What about Tuesday on that race plan?

    I need a schedule written out like that for me to follow in order to be motivated. Thanks Miss!

  5. Thank you! I needed that motivator. I love to workout and run, but never have the courage to enter a race. I know it will help motivate me to run more consistantly if I have a goal in mind. It is hard to find races that aren't on Sundays. Do you know of any in Southern California?

  6. Megg, the schedule is just for a 4 day training plan so Tuesday, Friday and Sunday are left out. Perfect days to cross-train and take easy.

    Please enter a race Liz and let us know how you do! They become addicting too so you're bound to stay in shape.

    I'm not sure where in So Cal you live, but is a great Independence Day race not on Sunday.

    This is a great site for Orange County residents

    If you are looking for a race not on a Sunday, the local track clubs always have events planned that are usually on Saturdays. You can google "your city + track club" and it should bring one up (for most major cities).

  7. Missy..thanks for all the info. I will check it out and let you know when I sign up for one!
