
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

{get in shape} cycle

Third in our get in shape series: cycle.

I'm talking cycle in your home. Dim the lights. Put in your earphones and you become your own instructor. Think spin class.

I am not going to go into the details of getting into a road bike vs. mountain bike vs. cyclecross vs. tri bike. The list goes on. There are as many kinds of bikes as there are shades of pink. So get your bike of choice {besides a cruiser} and you're ready. Almost.

You need one of these.

It's my favorite workouts these days. We keep our trainer and my bike in the garage. During Avery's nap or after she goes down at night...I ride. I feel energized afterwards. I create my own workout, including hills and speed. I love it.

{If you have extra padding in your budget, try Pod Fitness. With a monthly subscription you get your own personal trainer via your iPod. See how it works here.}


  1. missy....I am a spinner too! I LOVE it! It's just you and the bike and the music. For me it is Addictiing! That is great that you do it from home! I go to the gym where there IS an instructor, and I love it. With out the access to a garage, or bike space, it works out great! You can't beat the butt workout:)

  2. Oh, I want one! When we get an extra couple hundred, I'll be coming to you Miss.

  3. Oh, I wish I owned a bike! This really is the ideal solution for REALLY getting in shape at home. And that machine seems really reasonable. Note to self: ask for bike for my birthday!

  4. love mine! last summer when i was prego with my second, it got just way too hot to continue running outside. So, I took up spinning at the gym & loved it. for christmas i asked for a bike & a trainer. no i have to admit, i've only been out on the open road once (it's hard with 2 little kids, the baby isn't big enough for a trailer yet). anyway, but I ride almost everday. it is awesome!
