
Monday, April 9, 2007


I couldn't decide which blog to post this on because it's so exciting, but I figured that this audience would have a little bit more enthusiasm. So, you're the first to hear that....I bought the Mini Cooper (a very cool car) of vacuums today. The story goes like this:

I'm a vacuumer. I could survive without a vacuum about as long as an average person could survive without the Internet. Not long. I would go crazy. I don't like when I can see anything on my carpet. And going two days between vacuuming my carpet is pushing it. But that's what I feel a bit normal. Anyway, this morning I pulled out the vacuum [Hoover Windtunnel Plus, canister] that we've had for about three years now and it was working and then not working. Starting and stopping. When the sparks started flying {too close to the sea foam green carpet} and I couldn't find the original receipt or warranty just to see if maybe..., I started doing a little bit of vacuum research. I found this article after a Google search and got really excited about fulfilling a pretty reasonable dream: owning a Dyson! So,I studied the Dyson DC07
(the least expensive model) and memorized the specs with a couple of questions jotted in my short term memory. But this Sears salesman was good. Like going to Dyson conferences good and I rebooted my Dyson dream and instead of the DC07..fell in love with the newest (in stores TODAY) Dyson Slim. Are you kidding? Same performance with the "ball" feature but light and skinny and crazy cool. But, I'm a reasonable person, and reason left me with an appreciation for any Dyson. We left with the Dc14! and my husband is currently vacuuming the carpet I just vacuumed this morning to see what this machine of machine's will pick up. It's just amazing when you get excited about collecting dirt. The ergonomic design lifetime HEPA filters help. I'm already a fan. The way I see it: it's an investment.


  1. An investment that will last a lifetime! My sister-in-law and brother have a Dyson (not sure which one) and they LOVE it. I'm always impressed at the way that you can actually SEE the dirt that it picks up. I'm slightly jealous, but mostly super happy that you got a new vacuum {and a good one at that}. That is really cool Kelli.

    1. Is it loud?
    2. Is it heavy?
    3. Does it have all the detachments to suck and brush and stuff?

  2. Good questions, Missy.

    Kelli, I am so excited for you. Getting new things for the home (quality things that you know will last forever) is just exciting. Period. We don't have a Dyson, but I hope someday we that we will.

  3. 1.Not loud. Amazingly quiet, actually.
    2.It is a bit heavy--just over 18 lbs. (not compared to the average vacuum) but..if that's a concern, you're sold on the new Dyson Slim. 15lbs. I went crazy. It's SO light!! (Or you could get the Dyson DC15, which has a "ball" feature meaning: you keep your elbow at your waist and operate the vacuum with your wrist. Literally. It turns any angle, on a dime, with very little effort.
    3. Missy..this thing has a 14 foot HOSE that detaches from the vacuum base by the touch of a button. It comes with three tool attachments. If you need more, you would consider the Dyson DC17 or 18. But the extra tools are sold seperately.

    Washable filters that don't need to be replaced and 5 year warranty..

  4. I LOVE The Dyson. We don't have one, but I had to borrow my neighbors while I was cleaning my own heps filter, and WOW!!! I needed to vacuum one room, but I ended up doing the whole condo because I loved vacuuming with it so much! It is so thorough and not as loud as mine. My vacuum blows out air underneath when its on, and this one doesn't. it is just CLEAN!!! I love it! have fun kelli!

  5. Wow I am jealous too. I have been dreaming of owning a Dyson. I keep thinking when I get pregnant, instead of splurging on crib and baby furniture what I want most is a Dyson!
