
Thursday, April 19, 2007

pool safety

Last night was perhaps one of the most depressing news segments I've watched in a long time. Everything was tragically sad. Tragically. It hurts to even share the following news story, but I think I must.

We're with family in Arizona right now (babysitting). It gets hot here. People have swimming pools. Last night, we learned that two toddlers in the area had drowned in their swimming pool. In the last week, four children in the Phoenix area have drowned.

I went to sleep last night (after checking on all the kids) with a heavy heart. I couldn't stop thinking of the children, the parents and relatives who were watching the children at the time.

And so with summer just around the corner, please take all precautions.

If you have a pool, make sure you have a fence around it that's at least 5 feet.
Make sure the fence is self-closing (always check it's closed) and self-latching, AND that the latch is too high for children to reach.
Never take your eyes off your child when she is in the pool area.
Keep the pool covered when it's not in use.
Don't leave toys in or around it, because they could entice children to the water.
If your child is missing, check the pool first.
Keep rescue equipment within the pool area.


  1. That's horrible. I think it's easy to separate yourself from tragedy because it happens SO much now. {Maybe it always has but I feel it more becuase I don't live for myself..} I had one of those ultra depressing moments today when I was reading about the Virginia victims and their stories. And then I thought what ifs about Cole being gone. What if all of a sudden he's not a part of my life? Nothing can/could make that scenario easy or okay or painless or even reasonable. I'm sorry for those families {Virginia and Arizona} And it makes me want to do everything I can to not let something happen to my family. Pool safety is pretty huge. {And bath safety.}

  2. Lindsey, this is so sad. I can't even imagine. I hate thinking about it and the whole Virginia episode is making me think about the same stuff Kelli wrote about. So hard. I just can't imagine and hate trying to.

    Thanks for the reminder. Bath safety too. You can never be too careful.
